Antwerp School Receives Award for Most Improved Bus Fleet, Altic Recognized

Antwerp Bus GarageThe Antwerp School board meeting took place on Thursday, November 20 before the fourth grade elementary play.
Bob Herber gave the delegate meeting report. Nothing yet has been decided on Common Core. The state board will vote in December on whether to eliminate requirements that local districts have a certain number of elementary art, music or PE teachers, school counselors, library media specialists, school nurses, social workers and “visiting teachers.”

Current administrative code requires districts to have at least five of these eight positions per 1,000 students. Some call this “5 of 8” rule. The state board is considering removing the rule altogether and allowing districts to make staffing decisions on their own.

Dennis Recker, Board President, discussed the Vantage meeting from November 6. Industrial Mechanics are building fire pits for each school and will be raffled as a fund raiser and to demonstrate the quality of the program. A new treasurer will be selected as the current treasurer is retiring and moving on to Wayne Trace.

Principal Mike Bute said the OGT retakes went well thanks to Mrs. Rogge. There was a good turnout for the participation in the parent/teacher conferences. The Veterans Day assembly went well with Mr. Manz heading that up.

The Fall Sports Awards went well. Sam Williamson was recognized as placing 5th in the state in Cross Country. The Antwerp Marching Band performed their concert and placed 2nd in the fall Decatur parade.
The Senior trip to Nashville, TN will be leaving on March 30 at 11:45 p.m. April 2nd begins spring break for the entire district.

The Girls Basketball teams begin their season on December 2 against Paulding. Boys begin December 4 and Wrestling on December 6.

Mr. Tim Manz stated the 4th grade musical is the same night as this meeting at 7pm. Fall reading results were expected November 21. PTO Bowling Party at Alley Cat Lanes is December 8. The School Spelling Bee will take place on December 12.

Pat Ross walked around with the grounds committee consisting of herself, Dennis Recker, and Kip Taylor. The field-house has several repair issues where there are doors including weather sealing and ADA compliance. Another set of doors will be put in one of the elementary halls and should help with energy efficiency. It is to be noted that football field bleachers need repaired. They are looking at the next step with safety issues.

Technology update was given by Harold Gottke. He is preparing and submitting AEP rebates. This month (October) used the least amount in the last year of KWH. Some pass through increased including distribution. Switching to LED lights is an idea that should be implemented. The gym uses a lot of power with each bulb using 750 watts. Harold talked to AEP about retro-commissioning and how to save money. It is a free of charge audit to help with efficiency at Antwerp.

Four retirements are being announced for the end of this school year: Becky Geyer, total of 19 years at Antwerp, Donna Hibbard – 25 years, Robin McKibben – 25 years, and Mary Jane Miller at 30 years. “We are losing a lot of experience,” stated Pat Ross. “Our plan is to look at our numbers and positions, and get a head start on recruiting good teachers.”
The 1st Annual Senior Citizens Breakfast is scheduled for December 11 at 8:15am. This will be providing free meals and performances from all Antwerp schools and to say “Thank You.” It’s headed by Student Council and Jassmine Reyes. Visitors will need reservations by calling so the school can adequately prepare.

The State Patrol chose Antwerp for “Most Improved Bus Fleet” and received the award from the Ohio State Patrol. The board has made a commitment to improve their bus fleet and they gave gave Deb Altic recognition for this and taking the busses seriously.

The school has finally heard from the Ohio Board of Education that they are on required number of days, not hours. The school will be implementing a 3 hour delay, probably for fog days, and the day will run 10:50am-3:44pm. The single bus route allows this to work.

Mark Ryan asked about the jobs for students not going to college. He said his company has been taking tours for students because there are not enough workers for the manufacturing jobs that are becoming available. “It’s becoming a competition for workers and students,” stated Mark. The school acknowledges this is could become a problem, but they are working to keep up with current demands for students in education and the work force.