Paulding County Commissioner Minutes from 8/28/13

Office of the Board of County Commissioners

Paulding County, Ohio

August 28, 2013


This 28th day of August, 2013, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:

Fred Pieper, Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, and Cindy Peters, Clerk


Adopted: August 28, 2013




Warrants documented as 200607 through 200716 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.



A motion was made by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein to go into executive session at 8:05 a.m. with the County Prosecutor to discuss legal matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tony Zartman. All members voting yea.

At 8:35 a.m. all members present agreed to adjourn the executive session and go into regular session.


Adopted: August 28, 2013


Office of the Board of County Commissioners

Paulding County, Ohio

August 28, 2013

This 28th day of August, 2013, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:

Fred Pieper, Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, and Cindy Peters, Clerk

Mr. Tony Zartman moved to adopt the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to create new line item in the County Health Insurance Fund for miscellaneous revenue to ensure a positive revenue at the end of the month for the County Health Insurance Fund, to-wit:

Fund 192 County Health Insurance Fund:

Revenue Line ItemEstimated Revenue


192-001-10020 Misc Revenue $15,000.00



Office of the Board of County Commissioners

Paulding County, Ohio

August 28, 2013

This 28th day of August, 2013, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:

Fred Pieper, Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, and Cindy Peters, Clerk

Mr. Tony Zartman moved to adopt the following resolution:


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby modify the 2013 Annual Appropriation and hereby directs the Paulding County Auditor to transfer funds, to-wit;


FROM: 009-001-00002/Engineer Gas Tax Fund/Office Salary

TO: 009-001-00035/Engineer Gas Tax Fund/Expenses AMOUNT: $6000.00


The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein. Upon the call of the roll, the following vote resulted:




A motion was made by Mr. Tony Zartman to go into executive session at 10:30 a.m. with the County EMA Director to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein. All members voting yea.


At 11:05 a.m. all members present agreed to adjourn the executive session and go into regular session.



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ATTEST: __________________________________, Clerk

Adopted: August 28, 2013



This 28th day of August, 2013, Commissioners Fred Pieper, Tony Zartman, and Roy Klopfenstein met with the following members of the Audit Committee: Carol Temple, County Recorder; Ann Pease, Clerk of Courts; Claudia Fickel, County Auditor, Lou Ann Wannemacher, County Treasurer, Joseph Burkard, County Prosecutor, Travis McGarvey, County Engineer and Cindy Peters, Commissioners’ Clerk.

Treasurer Lou Ann Wannemacher distributed and reviewed the Sales and Use Tax for June, received in August. Sales tax received was $157,170.85; up from July, 2013, by $2,415.27; and up $12,675.30 from August, 2012. August sales tax revenue was up $22,014.43 from the six-year monthly average (2008-2013).

Auditor Claudia Fickel then reviewed the General Fund Receipts and Expenses Report for July, 2013. General Fund receipts of $421,013.55 were up from June, 2013, by $18,464.05. July, 2013, revenue was up from July, 2012, by $220,640.96, and also up from the four-year average (2009-2012) for July by $271,161.94. General Fund expenses for July were up $76,798.25 from June; and up from July, 2012, expenses by $81,505.74. Expenses were also up $52,684.20 from the four-year average (2009-2012) for July.

In other business, Claudia Fickel announced that the increase was largely due to revenue from the wind turbines and a refund from the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation premiums in July. Ms. Fickel remarked there are three upcoming county levies this fall; E911, Library, and the Health Department. Ms. Peters mentioned that at next months meeting, we will have a presentation from Sonya Herber, Director of the Paulding County United Way for the 2013 United Way campaign.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be September 25, 2013.




Adopted: August 28, 2013


Meeting Notes of Appointments


  • David Cline, Stan Harmon and Linda Weidenhamer, Paulding County Board of Elections – met with the Commissioners to witness the opening of the bids for the OSU-Extension Building-ADA compliant project. No bids were received. Stan Harmon discussed that the specifications for the project will be reviewed before new bids are requested due to the slope of the sidewalk. A brief discussion was held regarding the water flow in the alley of the Board of Elections’ building due to the sewer work being done in the village and possible solutions. Mr. Cline will proceed with the Board of Elections’ new back door and entry for security along with follow up to have the exit sign fixed.

  • Randy Shaffer, Paulding County EMA – Mr. Shaffer met with the Commissioners for his regularly scheduled meeting and advised that first aid kits previously discussed, are in, however he is not pleased with the contents. He will be sending the kits back and looking into additional supplies. Mr. Shaffer also indicated that the 2012 EMPG Grant ended June 30, 2013 with $19,935.66 still remaining on it. The state has requested a de-obligation letter from the county EMA Director noting that these funds will be absorbed by the grantee for the reallocation process in which Mr. Shaffer supplied a copy thereof. Mr. Shaffer informed the Commissioners that he had received a verbal that the Auglaize township passed a resolution authorizing the termination of the Paulding County Emergency Management Agency Agreement along with the authorization to participate in a program for emergency management for Paulding County, Ohio organized by the Paulding County Commissioners pursuant to ORC 5502.271. He also informed them that he spoke to Auglaize Township about their application for a warning siren grant. The grant would effect 750 permanent area residents at the location selected. Paulding Township’s would effect approximately 80 area residents at their selected location. Mr. Klopfenstein brought up the County-Wide Agreement Contract for Hocking County Emergency Management Agency. Mr. Shaffer indicated that he liked the wording in the contract and that the county prosecutor has a copy of for approval. Commissioner Klopfenstein asked Mr. Shaffer if he currently has a Hazmat Team in place today. Mr. Shaffer responded that we have Hazmat response capabilities, not a Team. To meet specific requirements for a Hazmat Team, you would need additional training along with yearly physicals costing approximately $1400 a person. Commissioner Klopfenstein asked if the county had a hazmat spill and Mr. Shaffer was out of town or inaccessible, who would be next on the list to call. Mr. Shaffer’s response was depending on who or where it is, you could call the Paulding County Sheriff office or Defiance, Putnam or Van Wert counties. They all have Hazmat response capabilities. Gene and Brian Sheets are up to speed with the training and can be of assistance, therefore, the county would be covered in Mr. Shaffer’s absence. Mr. Shaffer then indicated that the University of Findlay provides free training for volunteer organizations. The LEPC would pay for the travel. Mr. Shaffer commented that we can’t meet the requirements between state and federal for a TEAM. Commissioner Klopfenstein – What are the Hazmat concerns: EMA Director, Shaffer responding, Paulding County has response capabilities, not a TEAM. We identify chemicals from a safe distance, evaluate if necessary, then damn/dike to prevent a spread. Partner with Defiance, Putnam and/or Van Wert counties so that needs are being met. The problem with volunteer fire departments are that they are volunteer. The state of Ohio is changing is viewpoint on how they handle Hazmat responses. The State approves our plan. Mr. Shaffer then presented his log to the Commissioners. The next scheduled meeting is scheduled for September 4th at 9:00 a.m.

  • Lou Ann Wannemacher, County Treasurer – presented the Treasury Investment Report and the Investment Interest as of July 31, 2013. Ms. Wannemacher is ordering new deposit tickets and checks.

  • Claudia Fickel, County Auditor – Ms. Fickel presented the August Sales Tax, July General Fund Receipts, and July General Fund Expenses reports. She noted August sales tax revenue was up slightly from July. Sales tax revenue has increased when compared to 2012. General Fund Receipts increased, largely due to revenue from the wind farms and a reimbursement from the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation premiums. Ms. Fickel reported a General Fund balance of $1,008,081.00, at the end of the day on August 27, 2013. Ms. Fickel decided not to go to a mandatory deposit for payroll at this time and has ordered new checks.

  • Phil Jackson, INSBIT discussed his interest in computer server hardware upgrades in the courthouse with the Commissioners to see if he could help save the county money with his services.



I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the Board under the date of August 28, 2013.