Woodburn City Council Meeting Minutes 9/3/13



Meeting Minutes from September 3, 2013. Meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 p.m.

Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Abbott, Rice, Gerig, Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls, Chief Duhamell were present. (Councilman Renner – Absent)

Chief Duhamell:

The Woodburn Police Department worked 89 incidents in August. The reserves logged 108 hours in August with 24 of those hours for specialized training. The Fort Wayne PD will be conducting a “Meth Lab Class for Police Officers” in the Woodburn Fire Dept. Training Room on September 15th. The WPD is ramping up for the October 12th Golf-Cart and Go-Cart Front Street Drags. The new police radios have been received and are right now being programmed.


A resident who was deployed to Alaska had two toilets fail while he was gone and asked council for consideration. Councilman Rice made a motion that due to his deployment he would move to reduce his bill to the average usage for this month and next. Councilman Voirol 2nd, all approved, motion carried. City Attorney Pat Proctor explained leases and sales of city property for an interested party in the industrial park. Audience member who has a interested buyer in the industrial park asked what the city was willing to do about tax abatements. Councilman Abbott made a motion to approve offering the 7 year abatement on both personal and real property, Councilman Gerig 2nd, all approved, motion carried. A resident objected to the recycling changes. Earth First responded to Ray Abbott’s recycling questions on quantity of recycling. Earth First also explained how they service handicap and elderly clients. They explained that they go to the door and bring out the totes to the truck for the resident. City attorney Pat Proctor informed council that when a decision is made by the board of works or Treasurer that they disagree with they can make a declaration and that it should be recorded in the meeting minutes.


We are looking at having preliminary plans to put in a mechanical plant. Surrounding districts are going to Fort Wayne. Meetings continue to look for the best solution. Paul Rekeweg will be replacing the church sidewalks/steps at his expense while new sidewalks for the city are going in. Mayor read a letter from Brooks concerning the asphalt paving planned for Sunview. The city expects at least a 10 year life span and will be monitoring to see if the same application can be used elsewhere. The state has given us a commitment of to resurface Main Street/101 in 2014.


Meeting minutes were presented, and discussed. Councilman Rice made a motion to approve, Councilman Voirol 2nd all approved, motion carried. INDOT street sweeping contract was presented for Mayor’s signature. Public Hearing on the 2014 budget is scheduled for the 16th of September, all newspaper announcements have been sent in to FW Newspapers. Warrants were presented, Councilman Rice made a motion to approve, Councilman Voirol 2nd all approved, motion carried.

Superintendent Walls:

There was a progress meeting this morning for the water main project on Main Street. Resident asked about sidewalks in front of 101 Bowl and Superintendent Walls informed that drilling is to start tomorrow and the sidewalks would not be disturbed. Next progress meeting is on the 16th at 9:00. The water tower people have be contacted to paint the water tower.

Councilman Abbott – No Report

Councilman Rice – No Report

Councilman Renner – Absent

Councilman Gerig:

Requested update on person dumping trash at the compost site. Officer Duhamell responded that he had contacted the person the refuse had been removed.

Councilman Voirol – Found no ADA issues.

Councilman Abbott moved for adjournment. Councilman Voirol 2nd, all approved. Motion carried at 8:12 p.m. Minutes prepared by Holly Sarrazine, Clerk Treasurer.