Real Ribbon Cutting for Real Waste

Dianne Jones, Erika Willitzer, Ryan Lassiter, Jack Lassiter

Dianne Jones, Erika Willitzer, Ryan Lassiter, Jack Lassiter

You’ve seen the bright pink trash totes if you have travelled through Paulding County in the last few years. These were put in place by a small startup company known as Real Waste LLC.

It was started in September of 2010 in the small town of Broughton. Since then, it has relocated to Oakwood. In 2014 it has expanded to Paulding, facing the north side of the courthouse.

Watch the Ribbon Cutting yourself:

Ryan Lassiter, owner, stated, “We have eight trucks in our fleet and 9 employees.” With all of this equipment, they serve all of Paulding County, most of Putnam, VanWert and part of Defiance.

How much garbage is picked up with a fleet like this? “200-300 tons per week.” Adding to this, Ryan stated, “We have about 4,000 customers per week we stop at. We have a great customer base. They are encouraging and they’re really thoughtful.”

Real Waste is a family owned and operated business. Employing people has helped this community and the business. Jack Lassiter, Ryan’s Father, agreed.

Jack also works in the business helping in every way. Jennifer Lloyd, Ryan’s sister, works in the office as a secretary. It really is a family business.

“We treat people they way they would like to be treated,” said Ryan. Exactly!

Welcome to Paulding, Real Waste Disposal!