Village of Paulding Council Meeting minutes 3/17/14

Paulding Village Council met in Regular Session on March 17, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building. Mayor White called the meeting to order.

Finance Director Tope called roll with the following members present: Roger Sierer, Tom Diaz, Tim Boss, Randy Daeger, Jim Guelde, and Barb Rife. Administrator Wiebe was also present, as was Solicitor Jones via Skype.

Guelde motioned to approve the minutes of the March 3rd, seconded by Sierer. Vote: all yea.

Mark Holtsberry was present seeking support at the May 6th primary as he runs for Paulding County Commissioner.

Richard Bossy and Keith Chapman were present to discuss the tree trimming AEP intends to perform this May to early June. Bossy noted the process will not be as extreme as it was in 2010, and expects his crews to be in and out within four (4) days. He noted approximately 300 trees will be addressed (down from the 1100 that were cut down and 650 trimmed in 2010). He also noted the ash trees in Live Oak Cemetery will not be addressed by AEP. They will be the responsibility of the Village to remove if/when they see fit. He did note two potential areas of concern: 1) 303 E. Caroline Street, and 2) 114 W. Caroline Street.

Resolution No. 1288-14 re: A Resolution Amending the Holidays Section of the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual for the Village of Paulding, Ohio, as adopted by Resolution No. 1224-08, was read for the third time. Diaz motioned to approve the legislation, seconded by Guelde. Vote: all yea.

Wiebe noted the Village has incurred approximately $21,000 in expense for snow removal this winter (roughly $10,000 in salt & $11,000 in snow removal assistance), along with approximately 380 hours of overtime removing snow and ice from the roadways. Expenditures and overtime hours are up approximately $15,000 and 290 hours from last winter.

Wiebe also noted he met with representatives of Jones & Henry Engineers regarding moving forward with Phase 2 of the Sewer Separation project as ODOT has moved up its repaving project. Wiebe noted he would rather the sewer separation project precede the resurfacing project to avoid damaging the roadway within a year. He also noted that he would like to see the Williams Street waterline be replaced prior to the resurfacing project to avoid a similar situation.

Solicitor Jones recommended scheduling a Committee of the Whole meeting in the near future. He also noted the Village opened Solid Waste bids on March 5th with Werlor Waste Control being the lowest bidder at $9.59/month. Diaz motioned that the Village extend the solid waste contract to Werlor, seconded by Boss. Vote: all yea. Casey Wertz of Werlor’s was present to acknowledge* the Village for their past years of service.

The following Committee meetings were scheduled:

• Park Board & Recreation Committee – Thursday, March 20th at 5:30 p.m.

Committee of the Whole – Monday, March 24th at 5:30 p.m.

Daeger motioned to approve the bills, seconded by Boss. Vote: all yea.

Daeger motioned to adjourn, seconded by Sierer. Vote: all yea.

* edited per WBN policy