Olivia Tempel, Samantha Provines, and Parker Swenson, all students at Antwerp High School looking over the new online courses available next year.
With a recent grant awarded, along with other schools, Antwerp will offer many new options for the next year. Parents and students wanting to look into new opportunities should contact the school.
You may be asking, “What is this? I can take Photography, Chinese, and Animation? Wow!” Options are more available than anytime in Antwerp educational history.
The consortium Antwerp Local Schools is a part of integrates public schooling and homeschooling into one. Current Antwerp High School students will have the opportunity to choose from twelve AP classes and 80 electives not currently offered in the district.
Students who are attending other online schools or being homeschooled could study at home and be helped by teachers when they need it at the school. Pupils may participate in intra- or extra- curricular activities, such as band, choir, football, or even video game programming along with their friends. These students will still be enrolled in Antwerp Local Schools, but study from home or the school through their new NOVA website.
You may think this is K12, ECOT, or something similar. In some ways it is, but in many more ways it is much better. The child will still be connected with the local school district and the brick and mortar school, but with great expanded learning options.
Northwest Ohio Virtual Academy, along with Antwerp, is a collaboration between Fayette, Edgerton, Holgate, Liberty Center and 13 other schools. NOVA is able to have the young people receive the local school diplomas, with the liberties that may come from education at home or education that wouldn’t normally be available along with participating in the sports programs. Local Teachers will be able to help when there are questions for the student.
Pat Ross, Superintendent stated, “We believe the brick and mortar school still provides the best education for most students, but realize there are exceptions. This is really a great opportunity to get the people involved locally and still school from home if that is necessary. It also brings the attendance benefits back to the school district that has been lost to online education only.” Some kids may have had problems with local education or online education, and this brings the best of both worlds together, enhancing a tailor-made education for the student.
Another great aspect Antwerp and the NOVA consortium is able to offer summer credits, including ACT Prep classes.
The grant received by entire group of schools will cover the NOVA Learning Center site and it will including the software, marketing and the computers needed for the new program.
A commercial promoting the new educational advantages was made with local students promoting the new programs available because of the collaboration. The two students from Antwerp in the production where Beth Hawley and Matthew Dooley. Check it out at this link: