Stan Jordan Celebrates with the West Bend News

Stan is excited! His first book was just published at the young age of 90!

Stan is excited! His first book was just published at the young age of 90!

One of the writers for the West Bend News recently celebrated several feats.

Stan Jordan has been writing articles for the West Bend News for many years now. Several years ago he started a short story about a boy named Billy Metzger and his journeys out west in the 1860’s, and it turned into something big each week as it developed into chapters. These articles were compiled, and are now published into his first book.

The first copy was sent off to the Library of Congress and Stan was handed the second copy on his 90th birthday at a work celebration party at Papa Oley’s Pizzeria in Antwerp.

For more information on purchasing the book, call the West Bend News office at 419-258-2000 or read one at your local Paulding County Library branches
