2014-15 Oakwood ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Supply List
1 Large backpack
1 Entire change of clothing, labled (no shoes)
1 3-ring 1” white binder (new student only)
1 Pkg. straws
1 Box Kleenex
1 Pkg. napkins
1 Bottle Elmer’s glue
AM Class Only:
1 Box Crayola or Prang watercolor paints
PM Class Only:
1 Pkg. Crayola markers
1 Box 10 #2 yellow pencils
4 Boxes (24 count) Crayola crayons
1 Box thin Crayola markers
1 Box wide Crayola markers
1 Box colored pencils
10 Glue sticks (Elmer’s purple)
1 Crayola watercolor paint box
1 Box Kleenex or Puffs
1 Roll paper towels
1 Pkg. napkins
The above items will be community supplies shared by all students. Please do not label the supplies with your child’s name.
Please label the following items:
1 2-pocket folder (horizontal pockets)
1 Backpack (large enough for folder and large art projects)
First Grade:
10 #2 Pencils w/erasers
2 Boxes 16 Crayola colors regular, not scented
2 Bottles white school glue
1 pointed scissors
1 School book bag
2 Boxes 200 count tissues
1 11/2” 3-ring binder
2 Glue sticks
1 Sturdy 2-pocket folder
1 Eraser
1 Pkg. napkins
Quart size baggies
Second Grade:
10 #2 Pencils w/erasers
1 Eraser
2 Glue sticks
1 Scissors, pointed tip
1 School box
2 Sturdy folders w/pockets
2 Boxes 200 count tissues
1 Box 24 Crayola crayons
1 1-subject spiral notebook (wide ruled)
1 Fine-point black dry erase marker
**We recommend that all students in grades K through 6th bring tennis shoes to keep here at school in their locker for physical education class.**
Please label all items. No rolling book bags.
1 Box 10 #2 pencils
1 Box colored pencils
1 Box 16 Crayola colors
2 Glue sticks
1 Scissors w/pointed tip
1 1” 3-ring binder
1 Eraser
1 Small pencil sharpener
1 Folder w/pockets
1 Pencil pouch (zipped) or school box (small)
2 Boxes 200 count tissues
1 Highlighter
3 Dry erase markers
Fourth Grade:
10 #2 Sharpened pencils w/erasers
1 Zipped pencil pouch
1 1” 3-ring binder
1 Pkg. (200 ct.) loose leaf paper
1 Eraser
2 Spiral notebook-wide ruled
1 Folder w/pockets
2 Blue 3-prong folders w/pockets
2 Green 3-prong folders w/pockets
1 Pointed tip scissors
2 Rolls scotch tape
2 Highlighters
2 Boxes colored pencils
2 Boxes 200 ct. tissues
2 Glue sticks
4 Dry erase markers
Fifth Grade:
10 #2 Pencils w/erasers
2 Dry erase markers (any color)
2 Ball point pm (red)
2 Boxes colored pencils
1 Box crayons
2 Pkg. (200 ct.) loose leaf paper
1 Pocket folder
1 Box 200 ct. tissues
1 Pencil pouch
1 Large eraser
1 Highlighter
2 Rolls scotch tape
2 2” 3-ring binders
1 scissors
Sixth Grade:
10 #2 Pencil w/erasers
2 Ball point pens (red)
1 Large eraser
3 1” 3-ring binder
2 Pkg. Post-it notes
1 Folder w/pockets
2 Spiral notebooks (70 ct., college ruled)
2 Dry erase markers (any color)
1 Highlighter
2 Pkg. loose leaf paper
1 Box 200 ct. tissues
1 Box colored pencils
1 Box markers
1 Scissors
2 Rolls scotch tape