WT Local School Board Meeting Minutes 10/13/14

The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on October 13, 2014 at 7:30 pm in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Hall.

Mrs. Lisa McClure led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn, Dick Swary – All Present.

Recognition of Guests:

Tim McDonough – Defiance Crescent-News; Various newly hired teachers and staff for the 2014-15 school year; Representatives from the Wayne Trace Education Association; Annette Kubiske – OEA

Report of the Treasurer:

Treasurer Gary Ginter reported that preliminary calculations have been completed in preparation of submitting the 5-Year Forecast by the end of October.

14-10-01 Consent Agenda Items:

A motion by Lisa McClure to approve the following consent agenda items, striking item B.:

A. to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2014 and October 3, 2014 Board meetings;

B. to approve the investment report and payment of bills as presented by the treasurer for September 2014;

C. to accept the $25,000 Monsanto Grant and to recognize everyone who played a role in securing this money for our school district;

D. upon the recommendation of the Director of Transportation, Head Mechanic, and Treasurer, to authorize the purchase of a 2015 Titled 84 passenger, Stock Unit T3FE4004 Blue Bird All American Bus from Cardinal Bus Sales and Service, Inc. at a total cost less trade-in of $84,617.

*Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?

Seconded by Dick Swary. Roll Call Vote: Lisa McClure, Dick Swary, Pat Baumle, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn – All Aye.

Vantage Report – Pat Baumle:

Mr. Baumle reported no significant issues at the last meeting. Discussion centered around the State District Report Card results, especially concerning the Technical Skill Attainment levels.

Grover Hill Elementary – Kevin Wilson, principal:


During the cleaning out process we noticed our main gas line was beginning to rust. I have contacted Doug Schlatter for a quote to fix the gas line. Doug’s quote was less than $2,000. This information was shared with Mr. Arnold and he has given me the go ahead to have Doug replace the pipe.

During the past several weeks we have been noticing crickets in the hallways. They have become very distracting to the students. Since we already use Buckeye Exterminating for our Cafeteria and Kitchen I contacted them to see what our options were. They stated that they would be able to eliminate this problem by spraying around the outside of the building. The cost for Buckeye Exterminating to spray the perimeter of our building is around $255. After speaking with Mr. Arnold we have scheduled Buckeye Exterminating to take care of this issue. Next year our plan is to have them spray before the first day of school, which we believe will eliminate our cricket problem.

The roof is again leaking. After the last heavy rain we began noticing small leaks. After looking at the inside of the building and comparing these locations to the sections of the roof, our best guess is that it is a flashing problem, or in one area it could be the bricks absorbing the water. This is an area in which I have been working with Tony on and so I will continue to keep him informed of all roofing issues.

During the last heavy rain I was able to take a picture of the leak next to Mrs. Baker’s room. The beginning of this leak seemed to be coming through the block wall. I will have the picture on my cell if you are interested in seeing what I am talking about.

On Saturday, September 20, 2014 I received a phone call to inform me that the GH fire alarm was activated. I quickly drove up to the building only to find a broken water line in the water room. After getting the water turned off and several phone calls the problem was solved. At this time my only concern is a small area of carpet in the gym. This area was wet from all of the water in the hallway. At this time all we can do is keep an eye on the carpet.


1. Math is one area we have identified as in need of some extra support. To help with this area I am going to be starting a “Principal’s Math Club” for the Grover Hill students. At this time I am working with the teachers to set grade level expectations. When we have this plan in place I will pass the information along to the BOE members.

a. What a few teachers are doing to help with math skills:

i. Mrs. Boyer at the end of the day will call out a multiplication fact and the first one to get it correct lines up first. Now it is up to the 1st person in line to give a fact to see who is second in line. This goes on until they are all lined up. Students love this activity.

ii. Mrs. Beining has become creative. She is looking at methods to differentiate her lesson to meet the needs of all students. If you were to observe Mrs. Beining’s class you would notice the introduction of a lesson and then a break down into small groups. During this time Mrs. Beining will be working with a small group and other students are working to earn their 100 Math Center point. I have attached the form used for the first quarter.

b. What I am doing to help with math skills:

i. At this time the Intervention Specialist are sending students to me and during this time I am listening to them recite their math facts.

ii. I am also getting organized to begin my “Principal’s Math Club”.

2. We, the teachers and I, have been spending time looking over data and trying to identify trends. This is being done through the Ohio Improvement Process. Our goal is to identify which students are Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 students. Once these students are identified we will begin looking at interventions to meet each student’s needs. During our discussions it has been mentioned that starting up some afterschool or Saturday sessions for the student who would benefit from the extra lessons/help.

3. During the two-hour delay on September 17, 2014 the GH teachers meet as teams. I led the Building Leadership Team (BLT) meeting to discuss building goals. While the BLT was meeting those teacher who were not included on the BLT were meeting in their Teacher Based Teams (TBT). These meetings lasted for 60 minutes. To end our in-service Gary Hermann from the Putnam County ESC was on hand to work with our teachers on knowing how to prioritize the teaching of the standards. He gave examples of timelines for each standard. This was very informative and helpful to all teachers across the board.

Other News:

1. On Thursday, September 18 we held our first assembly of the year. The assembly titled “You’ve got a Friend” was about how having and being a good friend can stop bullying. This is the second of two bully programs offered by Mobil Education. Last year we had this same group in for a program called “Stronger than a Bully”. As you can see we are working hard to eliminate bullying from GH.

2. The GH PTO held the annual meeting on Tuesday, September 16. During this meeting I took time to acknowledge them for their support and assistance in programs for our students. The PTO pays for all assemblies like the ones mentioned above. This year the PTO discussed how to make our courtyards usable by our students and staff. They have several great ideas. One of the ideas is to purchase picnic blankets for the kids and teachers to sit on when they go to the courtyard. One possible use for the blankets would be for the teachers to take the students into the court yard to read. Another use could be classes enjoying a lunch in the courtyard. These are only a few ideas for increasing the courtyard use.

3. This month we held our elections for Student Council. The new WTGH Student Council Members are: Tiffany Sinn, Cara Davis, Gabbie Donis, Katie Stoller, Faith Meraz, Tyler Sinn, Sydnee Sinn, and Rylee Miller. I am excited about the possibilities for the GH students after meeting with this group. They have some very good ideas for making GH a better place for students. One idea is to add volleyball net to the playground for those students who enjoy playing volleyball.

4. The official date for the WTGH Christmas Program is Thursday, December 11. On this day we will have two performances; one at 1:30 and the second at 7:00. Mark your calendars and don’t miss this WTGH event.

Payne Elementary – Jody Dunham, principal:

1. The fall administration of the Ohio Diagnostic Assessment for students in Grades 1st–3rd has been completed. Kindergarten students met this requirement by completing the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. Data collected determines if a student is “on track” and “off track” in their reading skills. The results are reported to the Ohio Department of Education and to families. Students that demonstrated a need for addition intervention in Reading will be receiving targeted instruction from our Title 1 teacher, Mrs. Kay Head.

2. The required Ohio Diagnostic Assessments for Math and Writing were also administered in Grades 1 and 2 and Math in Grade 3.

3. Third Grade students completed the required fall administration of the reading subtest for the Ohio Achievement Assessment on Tuesday, October 7. We expect results in approximately six weeks.

4. I have been routinely conducting classroom walk throughs. The first round of formal observations began on October 3 and will be concluded by November 26.

5. Teachers continue to have a daily focus on students memorizing age appropriate math facts. A second area of focus has been that students at all grade levels write complete sentences for answers in all content areas.

6. Teachers at all grade levels are learning how to create assignments using the PARCC format. Additional time will be provided to teachers to learn more about this during the scheduled two-hour delay on October 15.

7. Professional Development Summary:

i. Marty Schloegl, from the State Support Team Region 1 spent most of the day with us on September 19. Mr. Schloegl met with all teachers providing them with information about Teacher Based Teams (TBT’s). He also met with the Building Level Team (BLT) to familiarize them with the Decision Framework for WTPE.

ii. Mr. Schloegl returned on September 22 to guide the BLT through determining building level goals for 2014-2015. WTPE chose to mirror the district level math and reading goals.

iii. New building level SLO committee members training was held on September 23. Kelly Stouffer and Belinda Miller attended that meeting. They will join current members Michelle Berry and Teresa Pfeiffer on that committee.

iv. On September 24, new teachers to WTPE attended a Student Learning Objective (SLO) Training in Lima. Teachers attending were Louise Vranesevic, Carly Lichtensteiger, Rachel Hire and Ashley Liebrecht.

v. On October 10, Kelly Stouffer, Michelle Berry, Kay Head and Jody Dunham attended an in-service at the State Support Team Region 1 for Instructional Design and Strategies. This session was recommended for all schools learning about the Ohio Improvement Process.

vi. On October 30, Kelly Stouffer, Alyssa Saylor and Jody Dunham will attend the first day of a 4 day cohort at the State Support Team Region 1. Trainings will take place on October 30, November 20, December 16 and February 12. This cohort will focus on understanding the difference between formative and summative assessments and how they both fit into the Ohio Improvement Process.

8. Many grandparents were able to come and join us for our Second and Sixth Grades Grandparent Day on September 26. It is always fun for the students to have their Grandparents come to school. Grandparents ate lunch with their student and then participated in classroom learning activities. Sixty-eight percent of second grade students had a family member attend and eighty-six percent of sixth grade students.

9. Lots of the students and staff participated in our fall Book Fair. The Book Fair Coordinator, Mrs. Carol Stoller, lead this event. WTPE was able to earn $1,398 in Scholastic Books merchandise.

10. October Field Trips: The preschool and kindergarten classes headed to Lincoln Ridge to enjoy their fall displays on October 10. The sixth grade class will be heading to the Pleasant Valley golf course on October 15. This field trip will support the Fuel Up/Play 60 program. Physical education teacher, Mrs. Mohr, and a golf professional at Pleasant Valley will spend time instructing students about this lifelong sport.

11. Learning assemblies this month began with a concert by Mustard’s Retreat on October 9. On October 21, the entire student body will participate in a fire safety program provided by the Payne Volunteer Fire Department. That same day the third grade class will be visited by the Kids on the Block program. This is a program that teaches compassion for those who have physical, mental and emotional challenges in life.

12. The building-wide Halloween Parade will take place at 1:30 p.m. on October 24. Please come and line the streets of Payne to cheer the students on!

13. Finally, we look forward to our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences are scheduled for 5:00-8:30 p.m. on October 29 and 1:00-8:00 p.m. on October 30.

Upcoming Events:

October 15 – 2 hour delay, Monthly Teacher meeting and Vertical TBT’s; 6th grade Golf Field Trip; Market Day Pick Up

October 17 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Lincoln Ridge

October 20 – Fall Photo Retakes; 10:00 a.m. Kindergarten safety presentation with State Hwy Patrol

October 21 – 9:00 a.m., Building-wide Fire Prevention Program; 10:40 a.m., Third Grade Kids on the Block Program

October 24 – 9:45-11:30 a.m., Kindergarten Grandparent’s Day; PTO Fall Obstacle Course in Gym; 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Paulding County Early Childhood Screening in the library; 1:30 p.m., Halloween Parade followed by classroom activities; If needed, deadline to resubmit SLO’s.

November 7 – Third Grade Grandparents’ Day, 11:10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

November 11 – Veterans’ Day Program at 1:30 p.m.

November 14 – Second Quarter Interim Reports go home

WT Jr/Sr High School – Greg Leeth, principal:

1. Too often, teaching is a lonely, individual occupation. Now more than ever, collaboration is vital for teachers as they prepare students for Next Generation Assessments, analyze student data, implement intervention strategies, write SLO’s, etc. I have created a schedule utilizing Raider Time to allow junior and senior high school Teacher Based Teams (TBT’s) this important collaboration time every two weeks. The feedback for this has been extremely positive. Despite the many challenging changes occurring in education in Ohio, teachers feel they are able to meet these challenges because they are working together.

2. Teachers have submitted their Student Learning Objectives to the approval committee. The ODE defines an SLO as “a measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students. Student learning objectives demonstrate a teacher’s impact on student learning.” The approval committee, consisting of teachers in the building, will work with teachers throughout October to refine their objectives.

Student performance on SLO pre-tests and post-tests is used as part of the Student Growth Measure component of the teacher evaluation system.

3. Speaking of teacher evaluations, formal observations of teachers are underway.

4. Mrs. Annette Sinn and the Student Council did great work in providing a variety of enjoyable student activities throughout homecoming week. The dance, held on September 27, was well attended and relatively incident free.

5. The fall administration of the OGT begins October 27. Juniors and seniors who have not passed one or more tests are tested during this time. This year’s sophomores are the last group who will take the OGT as the required test for graduation in Ohio. Current freshmen will take the Next Generation Assessments (Algebra I, geometry, English I, English II, physical science, American History, and American Government) to meet Ohio’s graduation requirement. See handout for more details.

6. I will be attending the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators October 19-21 in Columbus.

Upcoming events:

October 14 – CCC (Curriculum meeting in Lecture Hall), 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

October 15 – PSAT in Lecture Hall all morning; Two hour delay for teacher in-service

October 17 – End of 1st quarter; FFA fruit sale begins; Picture re-takes

October 22 – Northwest Ohio Student Leadership at Defiance College

October 24 – Marty Schloegl to meet with TBT’s throughout the day

October 25 – Marching band at Payne and Grover Hill Halloween parades

October 27 – Fall Administration of the OGT begins

October 29 – National FFA Convention; Parent-Teacher Conferences, 5:30–8:30 p.m.

October 30 – No school, PTC, 1:00–800 p.m.

October 31 – No school

November 3 – 8th grade Vantage visitation, 8:00–11:15 a.m.

November 6 – District Ag Sales CDE – Riverdale

November 7 – Red Cross Blood Drive

November 8 – Fine Arts Festival

November 11 – Veteran’s Day Program; Spanish III & IV field trip, 8:30 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.

November 13 – District Food Science CDE, Wayne Trace

November 14 – Interim reports, 2nd quarter; FFA fruit sale ends

November 18 – Maurice Clarett assembly, 1:45 p.m.

November 19 – Two hour delay for teacher in-service

November 20 – District Job Interview, Kalida

November 26 – National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, 1:40 p.m.

November 27 – No school; Sinn Family Thanksgiving in cafeteria and gym, 12:00–6:00 p.m.

November 28 – No school, Thanksgiving break

Committee Reports: NONE

Superintendent’s Report:

A. Curriculum

B. Personnel

C. Buildings and Grounds

D. Events

E. Operations

14.10.2 Consent Agenda Items:

A. motion by Duane Sinn to approve the following consent agenda items:

A. to accept the resignation of Mary McVay as a teacher, effective September 1, 2015, and to recognize her for 23 years of service to the Wayne Trace School District;

B. to accept the resignation of Annette Sinn as a HS track and field coach;

C. to accept the resignation of Terry Campbell as a JH track and field coach;

D. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve Jack Baumle as head softball coach (at 70% of head coach’s pay) for the 2014-2015 school year;

E. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve Matt Noggle as head baseball coach for the 2014-2015 school year;

F. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve Troy Branch as head track and field coach for the 2014-2015 school year;

G. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve supplemental bus driving contracts for Deb Bidlack and Alice Wenninger to transport students involved in the 21st Century Grant after-school program and other after-school activities;

H. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and JH/HS Principal, to approve an overnight FFA trip to Louisville, KY, on October 29-November 1, 2014;

I. to commend head coach Chris Rosswurm and the boys’ golf team for winning the Green Meadows Conference tournament and advancing as a team to the district tournament;

J. to commend head coach Al Welch and the girls’ golf team for winning the Green Meadows Conference tournament and advancing as a team to the district tournament.

*Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?

Seconded by Dick Swary. Roll Call Vote: Duane Sinn, Dick Swary, Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Perry Sinn – All Aye.

“Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), a motion by Perry Sinn to adjourn to executive session at 8:08 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the employment of Classified and Certified employees of the School District.”

Seconded by Pat Baumle. Roll Call Vote: Perry Sinn, Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Dick Swary – All Aye.

Return from executive session at 8:55 p.m.

“Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), a motion by Pat Baumle to adjourn to executive session at 9:00 pm for the purpose of discussing the employment of Classified and Certified employees of the School District.”

Seconded by Duane Sinn. Roll Call Vote: Pat Baumle, Duane Sinn, Lisa McClure, Dick Swary – All Aye.

Return from executive session at 9:40 p.m.

14.10.3 Consent Agenda Item:

A motion by Pat Baumle to approve the following consent agenda item:

K. to deny the grievance from the Wayne Trace Education Association and to authorize the BOE president to respond to the grievance within the contractual time limit.

Seconded by Dick Swary. Roll Call Vote: Pat Baumle, Dick Swary, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn – All Aye.

New Business: NONE


A motion by Pat Baumle to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Perry Sinn. Vote by acclamation of members. Ayes have it – motion passed.

The next Board meeting will be held November 10, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.