Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 11/3/14

This 3rd day of November, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:

Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, Fred Pieper, and Nola Ginter, Clerk


Warrants documented as 211744 through 211787 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.


The Paulding County Auditor has certified the following “Then and Now” purchase order numbers and payments included in the Allowance of Claims on October 29, 2014, Warrants numbered 211680 and 211697 in the amount of $633.74; and it is certified that both at the time that the contract or order was made (“then”), and at the time that the County Auditor is completing the certification (“now”), that sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance; and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code §5705.41(D)(1), these purchases must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Now, therefore the Paulding County Commissioners approve the Then and Now Purchase Orders as submitted by the Auditor; and it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of County Commissioners, County of Paulding, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.


The Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to amend the 2014 Annual Appropriation by appropriating to the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Fund (Fund 205):

205-001-00001/Pre-Disaster Mitigation/Other Expenses

AMOUNT: $295.00

Meeting Notes of Appointments:

Jared Renollet, Dog Warden; Claudia Fickel, County Auditor; and Jim Langham, Paulding Progress – Mr. Langham interviewed Mr. Renollet who is the current Paulding County Dog Warden. Mr. Renollet explained he attended the Northwest State Law Enforcement Academy and began working for the Paulding County Sheriff in January, 2014. His first appointment as Deputy Sheriff was Assistant Dog Warden. He is appointed by the Commissioners; however, his position is under the direct supervision of the Sheriff. Mr. Renollet was appointed the Dog Warden September 13. He enjoys his position and praised the many volunteers who assist him with the operation of the kennel. He noted that Lynn Mansfield works closely with him in placing dogs in rescue centers and shelters. Mr. Renollet stated, “Ms. Mansfield is an ‘indispensible asset’ to the Paulding County Dog Kennel.” He mentioned there are several other volunteers who transport dogs to rescue centers and also some families who ‘foster’ dogs in their homes until other arrangements can be made. Mr. Renollet emphasized ‘responsible dog ownership’ and explained how much easier his job would be if owners would report missing dogs within hours as opposed to days. Dogs found with tags can be reunited with owners by utilizing the Fairfield software. The Dog Warden, Sheriff, or County Auditor all have the capability of entering the dog tag number into the system to locate its owner. Mr. Renollet reported a good working relationship with neighboring counties’ dog wardens. He also noted he is sometimes called upon to investigate possible animal neglect and or abuse. Ms. Fickel then presented an updated list of dog kennel fees. She noted it had been six years since the Commissioners had approved an increase in fees. The Commissioners commented the Paulding County Dog Kennel is a nice facility and is being well-maintained. Additionally, Ms. Fickel announced dog tag sales for the calendar year 2015 will be on sale beginning December 1, running through January 31, 2015. Tags may be purchased in the Auditor’s Office (located on the main floor of the Courthouse) Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They may also be purchased through the mail or on line. Ms. Fickel also noted dog owners may purchase one-year, three-year, or life-time tags. Mr. Renollet commented all dogs three months old and older must have tags within thirty days of ownership. Ms. Fickel stated Paulding County honors tags purchased in other counties in Ohio.

Ann Pease, Clerk of Courts – Ms. Pease met briefly with the Commissioners to discuss the 2015 budget. The Commissioners noted the expense worksheets will be distributed to the various elected officials and department heads this Wednesday.