Front row left to right: Mary Howard-Jackson TWP, Dawn Buskirk-Sherwood Village Defiance, Sue Becher-Auglaize TWP, Chris Ferris-Emerald TWP, Julie Dinger-Benton TWP, Kristine Stuart-Crane TWP. Back row left to right: Cheryl Halter-Brown TWP, Jane Buchman-Paulding TWP, Auitor of State Dave Yost, Kathy Feasby-Harrison TWP. Missing from picture is Carly Turner-Village of Cecil.
Auglaize Township officers recently attended the Auditor of State 16th annual conference in Columbus. They had the honor of getting their picture taken with State Auditor Dave Yost.
Passed during the 130th General Assembly and enacted on March 23, 2015, the Fiscal Integrity Act raises the bar of accountability for fiscal officers across the state. The law helps deter accounting errors and fraud with increased training requirements and a new removal process for fiscal officers.
Education Requirements:
Newly elected or appointed fiscal officers must complete:
6 hours of initial education courses before commencing their term in office or within the first year in office
An additional 18 hours of continuing education courses before the end of their first term in office
If the township fiscal officer is appointed to fill a vacancy, the total hours for training will be based upon the amount of time left in the unexpired term
Re-elected fiscal officers must complete 12 hours of continuing education courses before the end of each subsequent term (including 2 hours of ethics training).
Fiscal officers may count certain training programs or seminars including:
Public records trainings offered by the Auditor of State or Attorney General (3 hours)
Continuing education hours completed as a CPA
Trainings taken under the Uniform Depository Act after being elected or appointed
Hours from an approved continuing education course taught by the fiscal officer
Fiscal officers that fall under the requirements include: city auditors, city treasurers, township fiscal officers, village fiscal officers, village clerk-treasurers, village clerks, and in the case of a municipality with a charter, whomever the charter designates with the duties of these offices.
It’s very good to continue training to make the Township and County Officials more knowledgeable to their constituents.