The MAC gym hosted the Antwerp School Reunion on Saturday, August 8. Classes since 1942 were there having fun and carrying on with friends from the past and present.
In the picture above you will see the classmates that graduated 40 years ago in the class of 1975. Once upon a time the thought of 40 years out of school would be a long time! Not anymore. The class starting from the lower left going up the stairs: Kim (Crabill) Bowers; Beth (Bowers) Coughlin; Vanice (Shidler) Martenies; Anita (Brooks) Tolbert; and Rolan Rister.
From the top of the stairs on the right going down: Reva (Meyer) Hatfield; Susie (Meyer) Miller; Mona (Rodriguez) Wurst; Gail (Miller) White; Robin Parsons-Burk.
In the middle on top: Tony Billman; Middle left to right (in front of Tony): Kevin Smith; Pat Hart; Middle front: Patty Smith.
Not pictured, but attending were: Kim (Savage) Cottrell; and Mike Stewart
The oldest person attending was Stan Jordan of the West Bend News and he was the only one from the class of 1942.
Tony Langham was the master of ceremonies for the event and he praised Donna Snyder for getting so many people from the class of 1954 to attend. At least 10 came just for the dinner.
There were over 175 people who came for the dinner and the number sharing in Antwerp’s history doubled by 9:00 p.m.
The event came to an end by 11:00 p.m. with many who were ready for the next reunion to come around, but we don’t want to rush it. Time already goes fast enough!
There are lots of pictures at

Pictured here are Jerry Smith, Mary Applegate, Ron Smith, Pat Smith, and Elaine Wiegmann. They are five siblings that attended the Antwerp Reunion celebration on Saturday. The Smith family moved to Antwerp in 1963. There were eight siblings all together in the family. One of the siblings, Allen D. Smith, was killed in Vietnam in 1967.