Bully Blues – Dear Miss C

Ask Me Miss C Heading

Dear Miss C,

It’s almost time to go back to school, and part of me is really excited about it. But there is this one girl who was new last year who has been trying to ruin my reputation and my friendships! But in school she acts all nice to the teachers and MY friends… and then tries to make them go against me and like her more than me! But my friends have been MY BFFs for like 3 years!!!! What can I do??

—12 year old Girl


Dear 12 Year Old Girl,

I hate to say this, but throughout your life you are going to meet people like this girl, and you will have to deal with them. They are bullies who manipulate people for their own selfish reasons. They are people who have to make other people feel bad, in order to make themselves feel good. They have their own self esteem issues and try fight their issues by trying to make others feel like they themselves feel.

So, the best advice I can offer you, is to make sure you continue to be the genuine and caring person you have always been. Your true friends with stick by you. In time, they will see the mean side of this girl, just like you have. But, if this becomes threatening to you or others, it is very important that you talk to a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, mentor, pastor, or counselor. Don’t let others ruin your amazing school year!


—Miss C

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