Village of Antwerp Regular Council Meeting Minutes 9/21/15

The regular meeting of the Village of Antwerp council was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Tom VanVlerah. Council persons present: Keith West, Rudy Reeb, Ken Reinhart, Larry Ryan, Steve Derck and Council President Jan Reeb.

Also in attendance: Solicitor Melanie Farr, Police Chief George Clemens, Administrator Sara Keeran, Fiscal Officer Aimee Lichty and EMS Billing Clerk Ashley McDougal.

Media present: Joe Shouse from Paulding Progress and Peter Greer from Defiance Crescent News.

Also in attendance were visitors: Jim Pendergrast, Dustin Sensabaugh and Ray Friend. Antwerp High School government students were also in attendance for observation only.

Minutes from the regular council meeting held august 17, 2015, were reviewed.

Motion made by Jan Reeb, seconded by West, to accept the minutes from the August 17, 2015, council meeting. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

The August disbursements were reviewed. Discussion on expenses.

Motion made by Reinhart, seconded by Derck, to approve the August reconciliation report. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.


Jim Pendergrast and Dustin Sensabaugh from Antwerp Community Development Committee presented a donation of $2,500.00 made payable to third party vendor for purchase of new Christmas lights for the historic light poles in the downtown business district. ACDC with its donation and along with donations from Antwerp Chamber of Commerce ($1,000.00) and Antwerp VFW post 5087 ($1,911.00) Provided sufficient funds to purchase 23 decorations for historic light poles.

Dustin addressed council on the electric issue for Cleveland Street Ribfest and asked if there was any way to get more power for vendor electrical needs. Keeran will investigate what can be done and get back with them.

Ray Friend addressed council on having a 300 gallon diesel tank installed at the fire/EMS buildings for fuel for the trucks. Yenser would supply the tank and meter.  Carryall Township trustees would pay for the concrete pad. The village would have a reduction in cost for the diesel/fuel. Ray will move forward with project.

Police Report:

Chief Clemens reported 214 calls for service and 34 citations for the month of August. Clemens stated that 3 cases went to grand jury.

EMS Report:

A written report showing 23 runs for the month of August was provided. EMS Billing Clerk McDougal provided a written report showing EMS run collections year-to-date of $43,506.30, and answered questions of council concerning collections to date.

Fiscal Officer’s Report:

First reading of ordinance no. 2015-27: An ordinance to amend ordinance no. 2006-26 And any amendments thereto imposing a municipal income tax in the Village of Antwerp, Ohio.

First reading of ordinance no. 2015-28: An ordinance establishing a policy on the reimbursement to the village for emergency medical technician training costs in certain circumstances, and adopting an agreement for this same purpose.

2nd reading of resolution no. R2015-05: a resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor.

Administrator’s Report:

W. Woodcox waterline replacement:

Waterline replacement project is to start on September 21, 2015, weather permitting. The project is to be completed and closed out by December 31, 2015.

Rental water deposit increase:

Renters must pay a $100.00 water/sewer/trash deposit when they move in. The current $100.00 deposit is not enough to cover a normal quarterly water bill let alone with the addition of trash pickup. The average quarterly bill without any water usage and minimum billing is $90.74. Keeran proposed council consider increasing the deposit from $100.00 to $150.00 at this time and that the village annually review to see if this deposit amount is enough to offset the cost if a renter leaves the property owner with an unpaid water bill. Solicitor Farr will prepare and amended ordinance for next meeting for increase in utility deposit to $150.00.

Building/rental standards:

Building/rental standards from the Village of Montpelier were forwarded to Maumee Valley Planning Organization for housing inspectors to review. Keeran is waiting for comments and have asked them to attend next public service committee to review suggestions for establishing a rental inspection program in the village.

Safe routes to school/value analysis & appraisal:

Negotiations between O.R. Colan and the property owner on additional right-of-way needed for the Safe Routes To School sidewalk program have come to an unsuccessful conclusion. The village will need to move forward with an appropriation action so project can be completed timely.

Bids to purchase the 1989 fire truck:

Sealed bids were received on Friday, September 11, 2015, at town hall. Three bids were received as follows:

Blake Baughman – $810.00

Nick Longardner – $1,355.00

Barker Farms – $2,025.00

Sale of the fire truck has been advertised twice, each time for a two-week period. The cost of advertising to date is $206.00. Ray Friend believes the village should sell the fire truck to the highest bidder.

Motion made by West, seconded by Derck, to accept the sale of the fire truck to highest bidder, Barker Farms, for $2,025.00. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved.

2nd round of confidential income survey has been mailed:

A second round of mailing of the confidential income survey was completed and as of September 14, 2015, 178 surveys have been returned. A total of 300 returned surveys are required for a qualified survey. Of the 178 returned, 79 were non-LMI and 99 were LMI (low to moderate income), which is 55% LMI. The threshold to meet is 51%. A third mailing is scheduled to go out this week. After the final mailing, if additional surveys are needed, a door to door canvassing will be undertaken. Residents with questions on the need for this survey should contact the village administrator.

Mercer Landmark CRA abatement:

The village was informed by the Paulding County Economic Development office that a recent Ohio Supreme Court decision dated July 15, 2015, has determined that metal storage bins (grain bins) are now considered personal property. Due to this new decision, all metal corrugated modular units which can be disassembled/reassembled, moved/sold are not personal property and will not carry a value as real property. This will be adjusted for tax year 2015 payable in 2016.

The village currently has two community reinvestment area agreements with Mercer Landmark for grain storage bins, one established in August of 2006 with an expiration date of July 15, 2015, and the other established in June of 2007 with an expiration date of June 10, 2016.

Mercer Landmark has been paying approximately $4,571.20 each year by way of the CRA’s. With this court decision, the CRA’s will not re-direct taxes to the village after the payment this year.

Oswalt lots:

The bid opening for the two Oswalt lots was September 1, 2015. No bids were received. The advertisement for the lots listed a bid minimum of $11,500.00 for 118 Oswalt and $9,200.00 for 120 Oswalt.  The village could re-advertise these lots and remove the minimum bid requirement if it chooses. A new ordinance or an amending ordinance would be required to proceed with re-advertising these two lots for sale without a minimum bid requirement. This will be tabled until spring 2016.

Dr. Sarah Mowery’s new dental building:

Dr. Mowery’s architect submitted her zoning application this week for new building. Their state building permit was included in their application. Total new project cost is estimated at $600,000.00. Application has been forwarded to Gabe Oberlin for review. Jerry Zielke will be contacted to get the CRA paperwork to the village. If the village is to grant an abatement on this project, it must be in place before actual construction starts.

New lighted Christmas pole mount displays:

New Christmas pole decorations will be ordered before the end of September. 20 pole mounted led lighted decorations will be ordered from GP Designs of Marion, Indiana.  They will arrive in time to be put up in November. ACDC, Antwerp Chamber and the VFW will be assisting in paying for the new lights. The village will receive a 30% discount on the lights if ordered before September 30th. The village would like to thank ACDC, the VFW, and the Antwerp Chamber for their donations.

Golf cart:

The golf cart is acting up again and has left Bill stranded several times while he is reading meters. If the golf cart completely quits, the village does not want to put more money into this cart. The village has put over $1,200.00 in it over the years and it is not worth fixing. Ryan suggested that Keeran research what a gator-type vehicle could be used for and if there are other options. Keeran to gather more data and get back with council.

Treat or Treat:

Treat or Treat will be on Saturday, October 31, 2015, between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.


Keeran will be off the week of October 5-13, 2015, for vacation.

Committee Reports:

Finance committee will meet on September 28, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss employee insurance.

Old Business:

No old business.

New Business:

No new business.

Mayor’s Report:

Mayor’s court deposited $3,063.00 for the month of August. A total of $799.00 was sent to the state and $30.00 was deposited into the ALC treatment fund.

Motion made by Reinhart, seconded by Ryan, to enter into executive session to discuss imminent litigation with legal counsel at 6:46 p.m. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved

Motion made by Reinhart, seconded by West, to exit executive session at 7:03 p.m. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved. No action taken in executive session.

Motion made by Jan Reeb, seconded by Reinhart, to adjourn the meeting. 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried and approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.