The Land of Gosh – Stan Jordan

Stan JordanThe Land of Gosh

By: Stan Jordan

The fact that the state of Ohio issue 3 about legalizing the use of marijuana, compels me to tell you about an old WWII army buddy of mine and their state of chaos dealing with the same issue.

After the end of WWII, Ben went back to his home state in the south. For a few years all was fine, but after a while a couple of the younger generations got to using all kinds of dope and marijuana.

In a few years, there was a state-wide vote on the issue of legalizing the use of all kinds of dope and marijuana and the issue passed. After a few years of Sodom and Gomorrah stuff that goes along with legalizing dope, this whole state was banished to the land of GOSH. GOSH is Government Owned Sanctuary and Haven.
GOSH is a planet that is a four day run on a fast rocket just to the southeast of the moon.

Any and all dope and intoxicants are manufactured and controlled by the government and must be purchased through them.

Just like any other country, people soon got to making their own and raising their own wacky weed.

This led to the enactment of rules and regulations that were enforced by a shady government.

After your first convictions, they cut the little finger off of your working hand. After your next conviction, they cut off another finger and so on until your fingers and thumb are all gone. That was to do away with people that were always in trouble and people that had a big rap sheet.

After you had lost all the fingers in that hand, you were thrown into Wall City, a prison of bad repute with a governing body of people as crooked as the prisoners. Besides being a prisoner, you must pay 57 raspbucknicks each day for room and board for each and everyday of your sentence. If you can’t pay and your brothers and sister can’t pay that daily cost, one of them would be executed. This goes on until all that is left is your mom and dad. They brought you into the world and didn’t raise you right; therefore, they are responsible for you. Your life is spared because the government thinks lying in jail thinking about what a low life you were on dope and you let all your kin be killed over your account, you think about that all day and night you will gradually lose your mind.

You can’t even trust your friends and neighbor because they will turn you in for a reward whether you are guilty or not. In a nut shell, legalizing marijuana in our state will be the dumbest thing we have ever done.

This message from Ben was sent electrically and bounced off the moon, sun and constellations until it reached the Mt. Wilson Observatory in California, and they finally got the message to me through the veteran administration.

The great State of Ohio might need some changes, but legalizing marijuana is not one of them.


See ya!


The Lobo Tank Busters

By: Stan Jordan

On today’s mission we had a little of everything. We were heading east toward Germany when we got a call on the radio system to go to the Wolfhagen area.  The advancing column of Patton’s tanks were being held up by a big road block.

Well, we found the rear end of that tank column, and we slowed down a little and followed it to the edge of modern small town. We went right through town to find out how this road block was made.

Well, it was just like any other road blocks made of tree trunks and reinforced with more tree trunks, but about a half a mile to the south was a hill with at least company of 88mm canons, and probably four guns.

We four planes rendezvoused at about 500 feet in altitude a few miles from town. My wingman and I would take the road block and the other two were to take the canons on the hill side.

I went down to the street and put a rocket in the right side of the roadblock and blew away about half of the roadblock. Lt. Bauer followed me down and his rocket took out the other side of the road block.  We met on the other side of town and discussed the situation. We were to treat the other side of the road block the same way. Each side of the block would get two rockets.

We blew that road block to smithereens and then agreed to meet on the other side of town to discuss the plans now that road block was down.

The other boys reported that they had taken care of those 88mm cannons on the hill side and had one rocket each left to use.

The lead American tank had a blade on it and his job was to push a clean path through the road block and get those trees to the side of the street.

Well, the lead tank started to move when a French civilian ran in to the road with a white flag and told the driver that a German tank was about 2 blocks on down the street that would blow up any American tank that would come through the road block. We got all this over the radio from the lead tank.

We buzzed the street again looking for these two tanks and they had taken off their camouflage and we could see them easily. We had a total of five rockets left and we had four hits out of the five rockets.

When we left, those tanks were burning and out of the fight. The American tank with the blade was cleaning the street and the column was working its way into town.

We sat in the barracks tonight and talked about the job we did today about how handy the new tank to airplane radios are.

See ya!

An Osprey was Sighted in the Area

I was talking with Mark Larimore the other day and he told me an interesting story. He was sitting in the shade on one of these nice days this fall looking across his pond when an osprey flew over his pond and then made a dive into the water and came up with a catfish.

The osprey then carried the fish over to the grass and held the fish down with one claw and tore the fish apart and eat him.

Now, ospreys are not native to Paulding County, I imagine it was just passing by because fish in ponds would be easy prey.

I have people tell me they have seen the eagles off and on all summer. All the way to New Haven and as far south as US 30.

I haven’t heard of anymore Snow Owl sightings this summer. That leads me to believe that they just winter here. I had heard of reports last winter, but none since last spring. Last winter, I got reports of sighting all the way from Defiance-Paulding County Line south to Gar Creek Rd. I think they had a nest in that area, and I have a couple lady bird watchers over there and they keep me posted.

If you do see an owl or eagle please let me know at 419-506-1924. I have lots of folks that are interested in our wildlife.

See ya!