Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 2/22/16


This 22nd day of February, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Tony Zartman,  Roy Klopfenstein, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk


Warrants documented as 222729 through 222774 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.


Roy Klopfenstein moved to adopt the following resolution:

A new fund must be created to accurately track expenses and revenue associated with the OSU Extension; now therefore

The Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to create the OSU Extension Fund (Fund 226), estimate the revenue, and appropriate to the following expense line items for said fund, to-wit;

New Fund

Fund 226 OSU Extension

Revenue Line Item: Estimated Revenue

226-001-10001 Real Property: $130,000.00; 226-001-10002 Mobile Home Tax; $700.00; 26-001-10003 Homestead Red: $37.00; 226-001-10004 Roll & 2 1/2%: $50.00; 226-001-10005 Pldg. WF #2 Timber Rd: $3,960.00; 226-001-10006 Blue Creek Wind Farm: $3,415.00; 226-001-99999 Transfers In: $0.00

Expense Line Item: Appropriation

226-001-99990 Real Estate Fees: $7,000.00; 226-001-99991 Mobile Home Fees: $80.00; 226-001-99992 Rollback/Homestead: $0.00; 226-001-99993 Pldg WF #2 Timber Rd: $100.00; 226-001-99994 Blue Creek Wind Farm: $84.00; 226-001-99999 Transfers Out: $0.00

The motion was seconded by Mr. Mark Holtsberry. Upon the call of the roll, the following vote resulted:


Mr. Mark Holtsberry moved to adopt the following resolution:

The Board of County Commissioners does hereby authorize and direct the County Auditor to make a Supplemental Appropriation in the Capital Improvements Fund (Fund 182), to-wit: FROM:  Pay-In #108527 TO: 182-001-00001/Capital Improvements/Anticipated Revenue AMOUNT:  $37,618.29

The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein. Upon the call of the roll, the following vote resulted:

Meeting Notes of Appointments :

• Ed Bohn, Paulding County EMA director; and Jim Langham, Paulding Progress – Mr. Bohn met with the Commissioners with a positive report. He noted the first of three haz-mat emergency training took place at the Extension Building recently with 26 first responders attending. The second training is scheduled for March 19 and the third for April 30. Mr. Bohn was pleased with the attendance, commenting there were nine from the Scott fire department/EMS and 11 from the Paulding fire department/EMS.  The courses offered contain classroom and hands-on training, valuable information to first responders to handle hazardous spills in a ‘defensive fashion’,  Mr. Bohn’s goal is to rejuvenate the interest of a trained  haz-mat team in the county.  He noted that through the support and funding from the Commissioners, a new response trailer has been purchased. The cost of the trailer will be partially reimbursed through the EMPG the Paulding County EMA receives. Mr. Bohn noted the trailer is 85% complete, with just a few supplies needed to be complete. He anticipates receiving cost recovery (from the state)  in the amount of $8,526.00 from a February, 2015, accident on US 637.  The cost recovery dollars will reimburse first responders’ units for man power hours, chief officer hours, and vehicles (at an hourly rate). The EMA is entitled to a 10% administrative fee, which Mr. Bohn intends to use to purchase supplies for the response trailer. Mr. Bohn noted there are 31 ‘reportable’ facilities that handle hazardous materials in Paulding County. These facilities include not only manufacturing/factories, but agricultural and some retail businesses selling general items that would be considered hazardous materials should a spill or a fire occur.  The Commissioners commended Mr. Bohn for his diligence in scheduling and presenting training session that are vital to prepare the County’s first responders should the need arise. Commissioner Zartman noted he is pleased with the county’s first responders’ buy-in and participation in EMA trainings and activities. Commissioner Holtsberry quoted John Wooden “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” and also commended Mr. Bohn’s attention to proper training for potential mishaps. Mr. Bohn then discussed the Local Government Safety Capital Grant Program, offered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Grants may be awarded to political subdivisions to be used for the purchase of vehicles, equipment, facilities, or systems needed to enhance public safety. The program received $10,000,000 for FY 16 and also for FY 17. The program is administered by the Local Government Innovation Council. Not more than $100,000.00 in total grants shall be awarded to an individual political subdivision. A qualifying subdivision means a county, township, municipal corporation, joint emergency medical services district, fire district, joint fire district, fire and ambulance district, joint police district, or joint ambulance district. Grant applications are due March 21, 2016, with the Council awards meeting scheduled for May 19, 2016. Mr. Bohn is very excited to apply for this grant and had several ideas of purchases that would qualify for funding.

• Tom Kime, Defiance County Commissioner; Deb Hubbard, SWCD Ditch Maintenance – The Commissioners, Mr. Kime, and Ms. Hubbard discussed the maintenance for the Rosedale Road ditch.  This ditch is a joint project between Paulding and Defiance Counties. The question of which county is responsible for the ditch’s maintenance was discussed and the Paulding County Prosecutor’s opinion was reviewed. Because there was not a quorum, it was decided to schedule another meeting at a later date to make a final decision as to the maintenance issue.