PPEC was honored to have World War II Veteran Bob Johnson of Antwerp go on Mix 98.1 and talk about his experience with Honor Flight. While on air, Bob presented a check from Antwerp VFW for $500.00 towards the cause. Pictured (L to R) Dave Hire with Mix 98.1 and World War II Veteran Bob Johnson with the Antwerp, Ohio VFW.

First Federal Bank recently donated $1,000 to the Paulding Putnam Electric Trust/Honor Flight Fund. Pictured (L to R) Jackie (Koenn) Taylor and Caitlin Blair from First Federal Bank.
Paulding Putnam Electric Employees, along with the help of our members, local businesses, and community leaders have raised close to $30,000 so far to go toward the Honor Flight organization. The goal is to raise $70,000 to sponsor an entire Honor Flight out of the Northeast Indiana Chapter, which serves Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana.
If you are not familiar with Honor Flight, it is a nonprofit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices by flying them to Washington, DC to reflect at their memorials. The cost to sponsor an entire flight averages anywhere from $65,000 to $70,000.
Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op’s (PPEC) other goal is locate the remaining World War II Veterans in this region, so they can go on this amazing experience. “While there is a long waiting list currently, World War II Veterans and those terminally ill are bumped up on the first flights,” says Erika Willitzer, Marketing & Economic Development Manager at PPEC. “We want to make sure these brave men and women get this opportunity, before it’s too late.”
In order, to accomplish our goal of sponsoring an entire flight, PPEC is accepting corporate & individual donations. We’re also holding a Truck Raffle, where you have the opportunity to win a brand new Chevy Silverado Truck. Donations and tickets can be purchased online at our website www.PPEC.coop. You can also speak with any PPEC employee, to purchase a raffle ticket or to make a donation.
When the weather gets warmer, Paulding Putnam Electric employees also plan to hold several community luncheons to bring awareness to the cause. These luncheons will be held throughout our service territory, which is made up of Paulding, Putnam, Defiance, Van Wert and Allen counties in Ohio, and Adams and Allen counties in Indiana. Details on the times and dates of the community luncheons will be announced at a later time.
If you have any questions regarding this conference, please contact Marketing Manager, Erika Willitzer at 419-399-1868 or email at ewillitzer@ppec.coop