From left to right is lion Gary Ehle, Angie Whitacre, Jeff’s wife, Jeff Whitacre, lion Mark Fogle, and Lion President Pat Ehle.
Harlan Lions Club recently donated $500 to Jeff Whitacre to help him acheive his goal.
Jeff was born legally blind. He has no vision in his right eye and the vision in his left eye is approximately 20/400. Because of this he has never been able to do the things that most people take for granted, like sitting and watching TV, or reading a book or even clearly see the faces of his family and friends.
Jeff and his wife recently saw a news article about a young girl who had lost most of her vision a few years ago and how a pair of electronic glasses actually worked to help her see. Jeff contacted the company to request A free demo. The glasses worked wonderfully. With the glasses he went from about 20/400 in his left eye to 20/40. For the first time in his life he had eye wear that he could use for distance sight as well as for reading. He actually saw his dad and his wife’s faces clearly for the first time in his life.
The cost for this new technology is $15,000. This is why they are reaching out for the help of many individuals.
Jeff’s ultimate goal is to be able to purchase and be using E-sight I wear by June 3. This date is important to him because not only will he be able to fully see his son’s baseball games for the first time, but it is the date of his daughter’s high school graduation. He would like to be able to see his firstborn child walk across the stage and receive her diploma.
Jeff has worked for Meijer’s for 22 years if you see him in the Maysville Road store say hi he’s a great guy. Harlan Lions Club secretary Mike Downey