This 11th day of May, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, Mark Holtsberry, and Nola Ginter, Clerk
Warrants documented as 224550 through 224645 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.
A motion was made by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein to go into executive session at 8:08 a.m. with the Paulding County Prosecutor to discuss legal matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mark Holtsberry. All members voting yea.
The Paulding County Auditor has certified the following “Then and Now” purchase order numbers and payments included in the Allowance of Claims on May 11, 2016, Warrants numbered 224711 through 224726 in the amount of $24,794.00; and it is certified that both at the time that the contract or order was made (“then”), and at the time that the County Auditor is completing the certification (“now”), that sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance; and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code §5705.41(D)(1), these purchases must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Now, therefore the Paulding County Commissioners approve the Then and Now Purchase Orders as submitted by the Auditor; and it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of County Commissioners, County of Paulding, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
The Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to amend the 2016 Annual Appropriation by appropriating the following in the CCW License Fund (009):
251-001-00001/CCW License/BCI
AMOUNT: $10,000.00
Meeting Notes of Appointments:
• Jason Landers, Paulding County Sheriff – Sheriff Landers presented the 2016 Projections report as of the end of April. He reviewed the report and explained the negative balance on the jail wages line item is due to requiring a ‘fill in’ worker for two employees that have had to take extended sick leave. Sheriff Landers then discussed the security/peace officer arrangement at the Courthouse. He noted the newly-crated position will require one full time deputy and a second part time deputy. ‘Pass’ cards (FOBs) have been distributed to Courthouse employees. The suggestion of issuing pass cards for non-Courthouse employees (for individuals who frequent the Courthouse) was discussed. This discussion was tabled to be continued at a later date.
• Niki Warncke, MVPO – Ms. Warncke met with the Commissioners to review the applications for the 2016 CDBG Program. Nine projects applications were submitted. Two applications were disallowed because the entities submitting them did not income quality. There were also three competitive applications to consider. All three were for critical infrastructure for three Paulding County villages. Ms. Warncke explained the total 2016 allocation for Paulding County is $75,000.00, reduced by $15,000.00 for administration and fair housing fees. The balance of $60,000.00 may be utilized to complete up to three projects. The second hearing for the 2016 CDBG Program will be held in the Commissioners’ Office on Wednesday, June 8, at 11:00 a.m..
• Corey Walker, JFS – Mr. Walker informed the Commissioners he will be attending CCMEP training in Columbus this week. He also discussed various options for the Jacob Eaton Children’s Home.
Ryan Mapes, Paulding County Ditch Maintenance – Mr. Mapes presented the 2016-2017 ditch maintenance report for Paulding County ditches and joint County ditches (Defiance, Van Wert, and Putnam). The reports were concise and complete. Commissioners Holtsberry complimented Paulding County Ditch Maintenance, noting, “I have always been impressed with Paulding County’s ditch maintenance program. They have always managed to keep equipment in good working order. Paulding County ditches, as well as the joint ditches with three of our neighboring counties, are properly maintained. This is impressive work for just two full time employees.” Mr. Mapes reported close to 400 students participated in the recent Envirothon held April 27, 2016, at the Nature Center. Several schools sent teams to compete in various activities. Mr. Mapes relayed Paulding Putnam Electric has recently contacted him regarding a community service project at the Nature Center. He had a list of several repairs; a few being replacing the dock and benches, mulching, deck railing, signage on trails, spring cleaning inside the building, and possibly adding duck and bird boxes around the pond area. Mr. Mapes will continue to work with Paulding Putnam Electric on this project.
• Mike Jay, Jobs Ohio, Director of Strategic Networks; and Jerry Zielke, PCED – Mr. Jay and Mr. Zielke met with the Commissioners to update them on the Northwest Regional Growth Partnership. Mr. Jay shared some statistics regarding monetary investments, as well as newly-created jobs, in area manufacturers/businesses. He noted a large expansion is planned at the GM plant in Defiance. Mr. Jay also noted several sites in northwest Ohio are being considered for potential economic growth.