Pictured here are DAR Good Citizen Chairman, Gloria Fast, Essay Contest Winner, Estie Sinn, and Wayne Trace Guidance Counselor, Sarah Franz.
The Isaac Van Wart Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution named its Good Citizen Essay Contest Winner, Estie Sinn from Wayne Trace High School.
Estie was presented the D.A.R. “Madonna of the Trail” traveling trophy with her name engraved on its base. The trophy will be kept at the Wayne Trace High School for the year 2016.
Estie was chosen as an outstanding representative for her qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.
Six area schools participated in this contest. Each school selected a senior who displayed an interest in and knowledge of America’s history, and their achievement in their high schools. Contestants received a Good Citizen Certificate, Pin and wallet card. Estie received a $50.00 check from the chapter.
Other representatives were Hannah Brown of Crestview High School, Ashton Bowersock of Lincolnview High School, Samantha Wehe of Parkway High School, Allison Harpel of Paulding High School and Katherine Trittschuh of Van Wert High School.