Vantage class of 2016 Award of Distinction winners: Front row (left to right): Marcy Shoppell, Stacey Partin, Bianka Robach, Alexis Doster, Allyson Rhoades, Darian Tijerina, Makayla Ryan. Back Row: Dustin Durbin, Bradley Rice, Levi Hiltner, Mason Walton, Jacob Sukup, and Keli Ralston. Unavailable for the picture was Tabby Dixon.
Family, friends, and home school representatives, gathered at the annual Awards Ceremony on Monday, May 23, 2016 to recognize the achievements and accomplishments of senior students enrolled in Vantage career technical programs. Awards of Distinction and scholarships highlighted the event, which was held for the very first time at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center in Van Wert to accommodate the ever-growing crowd.
The student speaker for this year’s assembly was Makayla Ryan, a senior in the Health Technology program. Makayla shared how coming to Vantage provided her with many opportunities her last two years of high school. She also thanked teachers, staff members and classmates for their guidance, friendship and support.

Marcy Shoppell receives the Robert Brandt Scholarship from Lisa McClure of the Paulding County Foundation (left) and Vantage Superintendent Staci Kaufman.
Another “first” in this 40th Anniversary year, was an Alumni Hall of Fame speaker, Rick Turner. Rick completed the Machine Tool Technology program in 1979 and was one of the inaugural Hall of Fame inductees this past February. Currently, the Adult Education Director at Apollo Career Center, Rick shared the many ways Vantage has impacted his life over the past 31 years.
Each year, career technical teachers select outstanding students to receive an “Award of Distinction”. This year’s “Award of Distinction” winners are: Jacob Sukup (Antwerp), Ag and Industrial Power Technology, Tabby Dixon (Continental), Auto Body, Mason Walton (Van Wert) Buildings & Grounds Maintenance, Bradley Rice (Ft. Jennings), Carpentry, Allyson Rhoades (Crestview), Cosmetology, Keli Ralston (Lincolnview) and Marcy Shoppell (Lincolnview), Culinary Arts, Stacey Partin (Antwerp), Early Childhood Education, Darian Tijerina (Continental), Electricity, Bianka Robach (Continental) and Makayla Ryan (Van Wert), Health Technology, Levi Hiltner (Continental), Industrial Mechanics, Alexis Doster (Continental), Medical Office Management, and Dalton Durbin (Delphos Jefferson), Welding.
Each year, Kennedy Manufacturing presents a Machinist’s Rolling Chest to an outstanding Precision Machining senior and a Maintenance Rolling Chest to an outstanding Industrial Mechanics senior. Kennedy Manufacturing representatives, Brandon Miller and Bob Burley announced that Alec Fortman (Kalida) received the Kennedy Manufacturing Precision Machining “Senior of the Year” award and Levi Hiltner (Continental) was the recipient of the Industrial Mechanics “Senior of the Year” award.

Jacob Sukup, a senior in the Ag & Industrial Power Tech program, accepts the Josh Ralston Memorial Scholarship from Josh’s father, Scott.
Scholarship recipients were also recognized at the assembly. The Robert C. Stevens Scholarship is given by the Vantage Teacher’s Organization in memory of Bob Stevens, who taught Occupational Work Experience (OWE) at Vantage from 1976 until 1984. Students who are awarded this scholarship have shown outstanding achievement in their program area, while demonstrating initiative and perseverance. This year, the Robert C. Stevens Scholarships were awarded to Makayla Ryan (Van Wert) and Marcy Shoppell (Lincolnview). The Joshua Ralston Memorial Scholarship was established in 2003 in memory of Josh Ralston, a Vantage Ag Diesel student from Parkway. This scholarship is given to a student pursuing a career and further education in ag mechanics. Josh’s father, Scott Ralston presented the 2016 scholarship to Jacob Sukup (Antwerp). The Robert Brandt Scholarship was established in 2011 in memory of Bob Brandt, the very first Vantage superintendent, who led Vantage for 27 years. This year’s scholarship was awarded to Marcy Shoppell, and presented by Vantage Superintendent Staci Kaufman and Lisa McClure of the Paulding County Foundation.
Rotarian Dave Roach presented the Dee Whitcraft Memorial Rotary Scholarship to Marcy Shoppell. Bianka Robach (Continental) was the recipient of the American Red Cross ARC High School scholarship presented by Wendy Baumle, senior Health Technology instructor. The Milo Schaffner award for student achievement in the Precision Machining program was presented to Christian Riley (Van Wert) by Brian and Sidney Schaffner.
Elizabeth Lammers (Lincolnview) and Alexis Forester (Crestview) received the UNOH Tech Prep Scholarship and Makayla Ryan was awarded the Rhodes State Outstanding Tech Prep student scholarship. Several students received Tech Prep scholarships from Rhodes State: Alec Fortman (Kalida), Keirstyn Shisler (Paulding), Michael Romes (Lincolnview), Christian Riley (Van Wert), Stacey Partin (Antwerp), Michael Now (Wayne Trace), Christian Laukhuf (Kalida), Josh Kroeger (Delphos Jefferson), Brandon Cole (Crestview), Elizabeth Burgei (Ottoville), and Avery Braaten (Antwerp).
In March, 2014, Vantage Welding junior Robbie Seffernick lost his life in a car accident. His family has established the Robbie Seffernick Memorial Award to be presented to a junior Welding student. This year, the award was presented to Raymond Wood (Parkway).
All student scholarship recipients were recognized at the Awards Assembly. This year, Vantage students received over $250,000 in scholarships to continue their education.