The Antwerp Root Beer Stand donated $511.00. The funds came from ice cream sales on May 28th. Pictured L to R: Jessica Barker, Barb Miller, Alexis Jones, & Molly Feller

Veterans of Foreign Wars- VFW Post 3360 donated $1000. Pictured L to R: Ric Booher (Commander of Defiance VFW) and PPEC Employee Annette Schreiner.

Paulding Eagles donated $3000 to help PPEC reach its goal. Pictured L to R: Joe Sukup (Paulding Eagles) and Russell Rager (PPEC Lineman and Paulding Eagles Member)
Since January, Paulding Putnam Electric Employees have been raising funds for Honor Flight. June 4th the employees revealed they had raised just over $140,000. Just prior to the June 4th announcement, the following groups made donations to help accomplish the completion of the fundraiser. The amount raised will go to sponsor two full flights out of Fort Wayne International Airport. The cost for one flight with 86 veterans on board is roughly $70,000. PPEC would like to thank all those who made this fundraiser possible.