Trey Mills takes the ball and advances forward toward the goal just before Antwerp scores the first touchdown. More pictures at westbendnews.net
Following the opening homecoming festivities, the game against Holgate on September 30, started off quickly even with the rain coming down. The game began with just a light sprinkle, but not enough to trip up the Archer football players. In the first Archer possession, they had an incredible take on the ownership. Slow and steady wins the game, and coach Drew Altimus was on top of having the boys move up the field. Getting the ball down to the one yard line with only short gain to make, the QB, Keaton Altimus was able to push successfully for the first goal of the game.
The action for both teams stalled in the second period and the half was 6-0.
Not long after, the Tigers were finally able to score after just 11 consecutive plays by Abel Corser. Their point after attempt was successful and overtook the lead to 6-7.
In the fourth quarter, Keaton Altimus passed five for five and continued gaining first downs. The final score was by Archer sophomore Cole Seslar Seslar from 17 yards to win the game, 14-7
Holgate’s record drops to 0-6 while the Archers move up to 2-4.
Score by Quarter:
Antwerp: 6 0 0 8 = 14
Holgate: 0 0 7 0 = 7
Antwerp travels to Edgerton on Friday, October 7.
More pictures at westbendnews.net