Left to Right: Nicky Gerber, Kassie Copper-Helmke, Zoe Lowden, Kaylee Smith, Tyler Miller, Braden Gerbers, Allie Knepp, Eric Fuller, Kayla Resor, Cassie Roehm
Woodlan FFA members participated in the National FFA “Day of Service” while in attendance at the National FFA Convention. FFA members around the country donated service hours while helping serve the Indianapolis area with various community needs. The Woodlan FFA was selected to work at the Indianapolis State Fair Grounds by demonstrating to area elementary children the connection between Pizza and where the ingredients of a pizza come from. Five different stations took the children around the fair grounds where they were engaged with hands on learning. The last demonstration station is where the children made their own pizza and then got to eat their pizza. One line of the four lines of the FFA Motto sums up best one of the
Missions of the FFA; “Living to Serve”. Woodlan FFA members are proud to serve.