Letters to the Editor

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Letter to the editor

Well, it’s the last Sunday in January and the women’s march is  eight days past. I sure hope they are completely satisfied with their performances. Marches all around the world and Americas largest cities were inundated with not only peaceful protesters, but those who thought they had to destroy property to make their point. What point? One day after President Trump is sworn in and the cockroaches come out of their hiding. They are so proud of their achievements, they have to cover their faces like their counterparts in the middle east. Cowards, all of them! There were 230 arrested, but I only foresee a slap on the wrist for most. If you want to learn how to peacefully protest, look at the pro-life movement, they had class.

President Trump will begin his second week in office tomorrow and here we go again. His cabinet choices have not all been confirmed, he is going to put forth his nominee for supreme court justice and watch the fireworks begin. The obstructionist left will be out in full force. Senator Chuck Schumer, democrat from New York said the democrats would fight the nominations tooth and nail. I hope they do! Don’t forget the nuclear option instituted by Senator Harry Reid! The democrats in the senate should all travel to Nevada and take turns kicking him in the butt! The supreme court justice can be installed by a simple majority! So can all the cabinet members! The common people in this great country have spoken, we put up with eight years of social injustice, attempts to destroy our capitalistic society for a socialist one, racial division, stagnant wages, an almost complete erasure of the middle class, the belittling and apologetic gestures from the former president to anyone who would listen and an economy that has been in the sewer. We had enough of the divider in chief, we have spoken and there is a new sheriff in town!

I saw on the news to day Senator Schumer at the JFK Airport crying, yes crying over President Trumps executive order of extreme vetting on immigrants. There was a muslim young lady standing behind him over his left shoulder. Anything for a photo-op right?

We are behind you Mr. President. Let’s roll!

—Kenny Barnes

Paulding, Ohio


Dear Stan Jordan,

I respect you, and I have enjoyed reading your articles for many years. Reading your article on the “Great Farce of 2017”, referring to the election of President Trump, was not however up to the normal professional standards that I have become accustomed to.

The Electoral College, of which was spoken, in a disparaging way, was an idea from the founding fathers. The reasons for its existence is taught in every High School in America, as a positive thing not negative.

You go on to say that your vote doesn’t count, and it is a sham! In this article I count fourteen negative comments. I would have thought you to be a more positive role model to all your many young readers, and that you would want to encourage them to vote.

Why so much animosity toward President Trump? Yes, he is not perfect, but really, please give the guy a chance!  You realize of course when you belittle and speak so poorly of him, you are also saying the same about us. We are the over half the population of Paulding County, and the Great State of Ohio that voted for him.  We voted for him because we are hoping he can do what he has stated. That he will:

1. End the Hideous practice of partial birth abortion where a living nine month old baby has her/his life brutally ended. How is this even a discussion? It is barbaric!

2. Develop a system to properly vett refugees to protect us from possible terrorist.

3. Make it so our children/wife/mother/grandmother can go to a bathroom for goodness sakes, without worrying about who is going to be in there.

4. Run the country like a business, where you can’t spend more than you bring in. Imagine that, its the same thing we all taught our own kids.

5. Enforce the laws that are already on the books so that people can become citizens of our nation the right legal way!

6. Support law enforcement. Those many good cops who are trying their best to do a very hard job for us.

7. Simplify the tax code making it better for everybody including getting rid of regulations that strangle business growth.

8. Make America Great Again! Is that really so bad? I want my kids to be proud of America. With God’s hand and direction it has become the greatest country the world has ever known!

I would say, may those of the Liberal persuasion who speak of free speech, tolerance and love, show a little of all three. The election is over. [ I agree it was too long].

Let us be a Country “of the people, by the people, for the people, that shall not perish from the earth.” To quote Abe Lincoln. He was another president who was hated and reviled by so many that half the country left the union when he was elected. This started the Civil War. Later he was shot dead because of this hatred against him. Now he is revered as one of the greatest presidents ever!

Amazing!  Thanks for listening.

­—Dan Heck

Payne, Ohio


On January 6th, 2017, there started the largest sell-off of our national treasure, and one of the auctioneers was our own mis-rep. Bob Latta! In a 234-193 vote, the Republican Party, in one swoop, passed legislation to give away, or sell with a beginning value of $0 dollars, Any and all federal-owned lands can and will be given away, or sold off for whatever it brings! Public  hunting lands, lands that are rented out for grazing, forest land, without senate approval, or presidential signatures can be sold off for next to nothing for the disposal of public assets, or lands. They could legally give away the J. Edgar Hoover building, Yellowstone national park, or any other assets government-owned, without paying the taxpayers a dime! I want the people in the 5th district to realize by re-electing mis-rep. Bob Latta, you have enabled the republican-owned congress to give away our national treasure in return for campaign contributions from the Koch brothers and other corporate figures to do with anything they want! Our public lands are now open to strip-mining, fracking, oil drilling, storage of radio-active materials, or whatever they want to do with it! I know some of this sounds extreme to do with those assets, but what’s to stop them once they own it free and clear? Some lands might go back to the states, and they’ll do whatever they want, so if the state’s in financial straights, they’ll sell it off in a heartbeat! I hope people wake up before 2018 comes around, and stop these pirates who feed off our treasure, then blame it on the democrats!  Mis-rep. Bob Latta is against all and any government regulations, is in favor of only profits for his “friends!” Let’s hope this gets stopped before it’s too late! It’s probably too late to call him, but if you see him, tell him what you think of the whole sale of our treasures! Remember what he did in the 2018 election cycle!

­—Mike Porter

Paulding, OH