Johannes Faust stands beside his self portrait of constructed cardboard. More pictures of this and the music festival online.
Fine arts is a craft that gives an outlet to the stresses of daily life. It is especially important in the growing up years for students to develop a well-rounded personality. Whether the art medium is paper, paint, clay, instruments or voice, they all lend a varying dimension to a person’s life. The Antwerp Local School was teeming with talent on Saturday, April 22nd. The gym hallway was lined with donated auction items to raise funds for the Music Department.

Pictured here is a chess set molded by Marrisa Elkins inspired by Dr. Who.
The concession stand was brimming with sandwiches, candy and popcorn for the art enthusiast or the enthusiastic family member to enjoy while they perused the various arts on display.
The auxiliary gym was filled with the Mrs. Girlie-Jordan’s art students’ creations for the 2016-17 school year. From paper drawings to intricate clay models, the talent was proudly exhibited. And then it was off to the auditeria where students from kindergarten up through high school performed musical numbers for the music listeners’ pleasure.
The afternoon started off with the smallest Archers and culminated with the high school band and Antwerp Community Band in Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillips Sousa. Community Band conductor, Steve Hahn, led the march for the two bands who became one for the evening. The Showstoppers show choir entertained the crowd with much loved favorites like Shut Up and Dance, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, and You’re the One That I Want. But it was in Somebody to Love that the show was stolen. The epic voices of Amelia Miller, Maggie Wilson, and Mariah Elkins all took a turn at the mic for solo bits, with Evan Hilton owning his part solidly!
It surely was a night to be Proud to be an Archer!