Mark Schlatter (CCHC), Dennis Bennett (Spring Fling), and Debi Knoblauch (HCYC)
The 6th annual Spring Fling Charity Event experienced great community support this year, resulting in a record amount of funds raised for two area outreach organizations. Support came from the best showing yet of collector cars, to a great audience bidding on items during the benefit auction, to another sold-out crowd for the hog roast and very entertaining stage show. Fantastic support was also provided by many event sponsors, including the Grabill Country Fair which donated the use of the Fudergong Community Building. As a result, Event Director Dennis Bennett was able to present checks to both Christian Community Health Care and Harlan Christian Youth Center for over $3500.00 each! The Spring Fling plans to return to Grabill for another fun-filled day on Saturday, May 19 next year.