Dianne Cooper (center) holds the department’s new Thermal Imaging Camera as she is accompanied by Chief Jim Varner (left) and firefighter Derek Varner.
Donation will facilitate purchase of necessary equipment for department
Dianne Cooper (center) holds the department’s new Thermal Imaging Camera as she is accompanied by Chief Jim Varner (left) and firefighter Derek Varner.
Donation will facilitate purchase of necessary equipment for department
The Cooper Family Foundation has recently awarded a generous donation to the Oakwood Volunteer Fire Department in Paulding County with the intention of helping the department replace aging equipment. A donation of $22,000 was presented by Dianne Cooper to the department to help replace their current inventory of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), as well as purchase a used cascade system which allows firefighters to refill depleted air bottles. In addition to the air packs, the department was also able to purchase a new Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) to replace an older camera which has recently become inoperable and deemed too expensive to fix. Chief Jim Varner expressed his gratitude to the Cooper Family Foundation for their generous support in updating equipment critical to firefighter safety. “We are very grateful to the Cooper Family Foundation for their support of the fire department, this very generous donation will help us keep our firefighters safe and confident in their equipment”.
Oakwood Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer department located along the Auglaize River in the village of Oakwood, Ohio and serves the villages of Oakwood, Melrose, and Brown Township as well as surrounding areas through mutual aid. Oakwood Volunteer Fire Department can be found online at www.oakwoodvfd.org or on facebook.com/oakwoodfire.