Chantal Monnier, Kalyn Strahley, Hannah Farr, and Estee Miller stand behind all of the awards they received from the Ohio 4-H Poultry Judging contest that was held during the Ohio State Fair. This group will represent Paulding County and Ohio at the National Poultry Judging contest in Louisville, Kentucky this coming November.

Clint Spangler, Paulding County 4-H Member, showing his skills in the show arena during the 2017 Ohio State Fair Junior Simmental show. Clint received 3rd place in the 4-H show and 4th place in the open show.
The 2017 Ohio State Fair took place July 26th through August 6th. The 12 days were filled with livestock shows, still project judging, food vendors galore, live demonstrations, parades, concerts, shows, and a lot more.
Paulding County was represented by 48 youth showing both livestock and still projects. 16 of these youth returned home with 21 awards. We are very proud of these individuals and their accomplishments. Their hard work, dedication, and determination has proven that you are able to achieve your goals if you keep focused.
The 2017 Ohio State Fair award winners from Paulding County include: Maggie Cox (Outstanding of the Day for Cake Decorating, Intermediate, Junior), Crystal Klopfenstein (Clock Trophy for Intermediate Individual (age 12-13) Holiday Card Design with the use of computer; Outstanding of the Day in Fast Break for Breakfast, Junior), Addyson Hormann (Honorable Mention for All About Dogs), Joseph Schmidt (Outstanding of the Day for Welding), Hannah Molitor (Outstanding of the Day in Loungewear), Adrienne Rosswurm (Outstanding of the Day in Clothes for High School and College), Jacob Klopfenstein (Clock Trophy for Health and Safety Speaking Contest, Senior), Kristin Wannemacher (Outstanding of the Day for Self-Determined Project, Junior), Luke Stouffer (Outstanding of the Day for Measuring Up, Junior – Unit 1), Kalyn Strahley (9th Place Western Horsemanship, 15 years old), Tianna Cooper (9th Place Hunt Seat Equitation, 12 years old; 8th Place Ranch Pleasure, 9-12 years old; 3rd Place Horse Skillathon, 12 years Old), Autumn Banks (7th Place Pony Pole Bending, 14-18 years old), Emma Elkins (7th Place Pony Pole Bending, 9-13 years old; 5th Place Junior Pony Keyhole Race; 9th Place Junior Pony Stakes Race), Hanna Farr (2nd Place Market Poultry Showmanship, 17 years old), Moriah Griffiths (1st Place Junior Berkshire Gilts), and Clint Spangler (3rd Place Junior Simmental Influence – Jr. Yearling).
The Paulding County 4-H Program also sent a Poultry Judging team to the state contest, which was also held during the Ohio State Fair. The team of Estee Miller, Hannah Farr, Chantal Monnier, and Kalyn Strahley took 1st place in this event and has been selected to represent Ohio 4-H at the National Poultry Judging Contest, which will take place in Louisville, Kentucky on November 15th and 16th. The team has been rewarded with funding to help cover the cost of the trip. We all wish you ladies well as you represent Paulding County and the State of Ohio at this prestigious event.
caption: Chantal Monnier, Kalyn Strahley, Hannah Farr, and Estee Miller stand behind all of the awards they received from the Ohio 4-H Poultry Judging contest that was held during the Ohio State Fair. This group will represent Paulding County and Ohio at the National Poultry Judging contest in Louisville, Kentucky this coming November.
caption: Clint Spangler, Paulding County 4-H Member, showing his skills in the show arena during the 2017 Ohio State Fair Junior Simmental show. Clint received 3rd place in the 4-H show and 4th place in the open show.