The board meeting started on August 16 for Antwerp Local Schools. Dennis Recker gave the Vantage report. Vantage starts on August 21st. There are 21 kids enrolled at Vantage from Antwerp.
The quarterly distribution was received and why there were higher receipts. The income was:

Amy Hammer, Elementary Principal
$1,063,395.82; and the expenses were: $642,211.95 and the interest on accounts was: $3583.27.
Travis Lichty gave the high school principal report. The Band and Flag core did a great job at the Day in the Park and there was a 5/6 grade orientation and he thanked all the teachers that were there. The schedules are now finalized and students are now picking them up in the office this week. Safety training and teacher inservice is on Friday. Students will be coming on the 21st of August. The new curriculum is on the website if people would like to be included on this. Meet the team night is Friday and all the teams will be there. Paulding will be playing Antwerp on Saturday.
Amy Hammer gave the report as the Elementary principal. She and Travis gave out over 400 blow pops at the Day in the Park and seeing a good response. The enrollment is nearly full in pre-school at 60 (could be 64). The 21st Century is known as “Archers Aiming For Success” and will start in mid-September. They are also working

Travis Lichty, High School Principal
on improving attitudes by focusing on character traits. Staff will now be nominated on by students for character. There will be PP&J option for lunches at no additional charged, Travis chimed in.
Marty Miller, superintendent, thanked Travis and Amy for all their good presentation in the park. Cheri Peters was hired as an aid in the preschool. Marty also mentioned appreciation to the custodial staff getting everything ready for the interim building and all the landscaping. They will also be doing more as the lights for LED have finally come in and will be started installing. The press box is also now installed and ready to go for the football games. There is also lots of work going on in the softball and baseball fields with the footers being poured this week. The solar array is continuing and will be done by Monday for the pounding of the steel rods in the ground and should be finished by October 11. $58,000 per year should be saved in electrical usage by switching to the new LED lighting. The lights should be paid off in 2.5 years and should last much longer too. The fencing is going up now too and a new gate by the west parking area. The Archer Advantage is being promoted now too. The new safety issue Travis and Marty have been working on a new solution that should help with the elementary and they will be coming in from the west drive (Archer Way) and then pick up in the circle drive way and then back to Harrmann Road. Antwerp passed 13 of the indicators on the state school grade card. The overall grade was possibly a C and one of the best in the region. H&W Napa donated 2000 bottles to the athletic boosters of water for sales.
The Gleaner Life insurance through the Black Swamp Arbor Foundation donated $100 to both the Academic and Music Boosters and it was very much appreciated. Dennis had given a recommendation and they thought it was a great idea. Altogether they gave away $3500.00 – John Manz and the Black Swamp Arbor the groups very much appreciated it.
The next board meeting will be September 21 at 6:00 p.m.