Archer Senior Josh Poulson scores a touchdown. The first of the game with this drive in crossing the line. More pictures at westbendnews.net.
It was Friday, September 15 when the Raiders traveled to the Archer Field for the GMC conference match. In the first play of the game, with the Raiders holding possession, they pass and Antwerp intercepts the pass. The Archers make good on this.

Evan Mohr, Wayne Trace junior, tackles Antwerp ball carrier, Divyne East. More pictures at westbendnews.net
The Antwerp football team slowly made its way south and after a first down they come up to the goal. Near the 10 yard line Keaton Altimus, Archer quarterback, handed the ball off to senior Josh Poulson who drives forward and crossed the goal line to score the first touchdown of the game.
This does not mean Wayne Trace was down and out. No, they pushed back and quickly Hunter Showalter scored a touchdown on the north side of the field. Both teams scored a point after.
Antwerp earlier intercepted the ball, now it was Wayne Trace’s turn. They did exactly the same thing and ran the ball back and a touchdown made by Evan Mohr.
In the second quarter right after Wayne Trace intercepted the ball, Altimus, Antwerp’s quarterback, was hit and injured. Keaton was hit hard and is probably out for the season after all of this hard work.
Both teams worked hard this night. Antwerp finished with 39 and Wayne Trace took the game with 55. Antwerp is now 1-3 and The Raiders are 3-1 for the season.
Antwerp will host Ayersville on Friday night for homecoming and Wayne Trace will host Fairview.
Evan Mohr, Wayne Trace junior, tackles Antwerp ball carrier, Divyne East. More pictures at westbendnews.netMore pictures at westbendnews.net