Aden Baker
This year speaking at the Fall Democratic Chili and Baked Potato supper on October 10 at Paulding Eagles Hall will be Aden Baker who intends to run for State Representative, Ohio District 82 (currently represented by Craig Riedel). Aden is currently a senior at Wayne Trace High School and is very outspoken on many current topics that effects every person in the area, not just democrats or republicans.
He will be able to be on the ballet once he is a registered voter at 18 years of age.
You may wonder why someone at the age of 17 would want to get involved in politics? He believes he can get in and make big differences in the state of Ohio. He his very motivated and can speak well about the problems that everyone knows exists, but seems to be ignored by politicians.
One particular problem is drugs. He says this is not just a county-wide problem or even a state-wide problem, but it is a national problem and he believes that there is a much better way to solve the issue that is currently being done here in America. He believes education is a big part, including the DARE program, but not where it scares people, but where it educates them. Another part of the puzzle would be prevention, which is also part of education, but what happens when people get off the pharmaceutical drugs. It can be very hard. Another solution would be not to prosecute because that has shown not to be successful in helping people get out of the revolving door problem that drug addiction seems to be. Another part of the solution would be to give employers tax credits for those who can activate previous drug offenders. Those who are working are not thinking so much about the drug high they get.
Baker comes from a family in Grover Hill, whose mother is a school teacher and so Aden understands how important education is—especially consistent education across the state. He’s not for Common Core, but a method that teaches more and tests less statewide. School boards do not always understand what is going on when they use different grading scales as other districts and one plan for education would also be to make the grading scales the same across the entire state.
Aden’s parents are Terry and Wendy Baker and are both helping him on his election plans.
If you are interested in asking Aden questions you may contact him at bakerforoh@gmail.com. The election is November 6th 2018.