Pictured is (l to r) Tom Derck, Dustin Sensabaugh and ACDC Pres. Lisa Glass.
With the growth of a new sport in Antwerp, Pickle Ball, the Antwerp Community Development Committee is helping by donating $200 for equipment.
Also discussed at the recent meeting was the development of a new electronic sign in downtown Antwerp to announce upcoming community events and local business advertising. The ACDC, Antwerp Rotary and Antwerp Chamber are interested in supporting the development of the sign. A report by Tina Conely on the recent ACDC Big Hole Golf Tournament was given and results indicated it was the most successful to date. The ACDC Annual meeting was discussed, it will be held November 14 at the VFW, the public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The next ACDC meeting will be held, November 2 at 6:30, at the Antwerp Depot on West River St.