Trevor Wallace slowly and methodically takes control of Jay County’s Mitchel Frasher in the 182 Championship round. More pictures at westbendnews.net

Woodlan’s Trevor Wallace takes the top spot in the 182 weight class. More pictures at westbendnews.net
High school wrestlers who are members of the Allen County All Conference met up at the Warrior Gymnasium on Saturday, January 20th for Conference Tournament. Each school — Jay County (JC), Woodlan (W), South Adams (SA), Bluffton (BL), Southern Wells (SW), Adams Central (AC), Heritage (H) — brought their ‘A’ Game for the morning/afternoon event.
106 — D Racster (2nd), JC, fell to W Miller (1st), SA in 0:57; W Corkwell (3rd), BL, won by t-fall, 15-0 to K Ramsey (4th), SW, 4:59; M Hoot (5th), WD won by forfeit
113 — G Bulteimeier (2nd), fell to M Rupp (1st), SA, 5:16; T Klarer (4th), JC dec 8-2, K Peace (3rd), AC; T Geisel (6th) fell 5:37 to A Martin (5th), H
120 — L Moser (1st), AC, maj dec 11-2, Z Atkins (2nd), JC; N Goodrich (4th), SW, dec 2-1, to D Hernandez (3rd), BL; K Rich (6th), SA, fell 3:25 to M Smith (5th), H
126 — A Hoy (2nd), H, fell 1:27 to C Shaffer (1st), AC; B Wynn (4th), SA, fell 0:43 to S Fugiett (3rd), JC; D Kahn (6th), BL, fell 5:13 to L Snyder (5th), SW
132 — J Perry (1st) SW, dec 12-6, J Perry (2nd), SW; J Ortega (3rd) dec 3-1, I Lietta (4th), JC; C Heintzelman (5th), BL, won by forfeit
138 — W Fiechter (1st), SW dec 6-5, G Schwaller (2nd), AC; J Schricker (3rd), JC dec 7-8OT, A McKibben (4th), SA
145 — Z Mounsey (1st), BL, dec 5-2, G Bustos (2nd), AC; C Beeks (3rd), SW, maj dec 9-0, D Herschberger (4th), W; C Frank (6th) fell 1:38 to G Mann (5th), JC
152 — L Macklin (1st), AC, maj dec 10-0, T Hemmelgarn (2nd), JC; T Andrews (4th), H, fell 4:00 to J Beeks (3rd), SW; D Herschberger (5th), W, dec 9-7, A Sator (6th), SA
160 — J Duncon (2nd), SW fell 1:57 to M Winner (1st) JC; M Hill (3rd) AC dec 12-7, K Coleman (4th) BL; K Dunnick (6th), SA fell 0:16 to A Miller (5th), W
170 — P Bates (1st), AC maj dec 14-4, C Champman (2nd) JC; S Smith (3rd), SW dec 5-0, T Martz (4th), W; C Fry (5th), BL maj dec 11-1, T Herman (6th), SA
182 — T Wallace (1st), W maj dec 10-2, M Frasher (2nd), JC; C Meeks (4th), SW fell 2:13 to P Faurote (3rd), AC; B Furhman (6th), H, fell 0:59 to O King (5th), BL
195 — C Shaffer (2nd), SA fell 2:54 to N Lykins (1st) JC; J Keller (4th), W, fell 1:00 to J Berlanga (3rd), AC
220 — C Schuum (1st), AC dec 5-1, I Baumgartner (2nd), SA; Z Cummins (4th), BL fell 0:55 to C Ray (3rd), H; A Martz (6th), W fell 0:15 to L Schmitt (5th) JC
285 — G Hare (1st), JC dec 10-4, A Hughes (2nd) BL; B Schomber (4th), SW fell 2:42 to T Cueller (3rd) SA; D Lotter (5th) AC, dec 3-0 C Riddle (6th) H
More pictures at westbendnews.net