Mayor Steve Wobler and the Payne Town Council have been contemplating an income tax over the past couple years. The meeting took place on Monday, February 26 at the City Hall. Many Town residents showed up asking about the impact of the tax on the people.
Questions included about taxing businesses and the residents and the how it would play out, rentals, retirees and how much of a percentage between 0-1%. Central Collection Agency (CCA) had a representative there who gave general information for the officials and residents of what their part would be if chosen.
Wobler said he talked with Representative Bob Latta last summer to see what could be done to get a share of the revenue coming in from the wind farms. Latta never got back with the mayor after he asked for the help.
One resident asked how the money would be spent and the council replied that it would be spent to help shore up the deficits that were being accumulated due to the funds being cut. Mayor Wobler said they lost the money that used to come from the railroad.
It was asked if it could be collected in town rather than having a place so far away collect (Cleveland). The CCA representative didn’t know if there was any towns that collected locally or not. He said they would charge 2% plus a transaction fee, so he could not state exactly what would be taken out of the tax revenue.
One gentleman said he was concerned about people leaving because of the rate and look for employment in Van Wert or other city/towns.
One lady specifically stated that if they got the funds to, “please spend it wisely.” Other people agreed they did not want it wasted.
The meeting ended with the Mayor Wobler saying there would be other meetings to guide the direction of this process.