Pictured are: Guest speaker Miah Coil (left) Kiwanis member Taryn Stiltner (center) and guest speaker Jocelyn Camposano (right).
Paulding, OH: This week at Kiwanis, Taryn Stiltner, the director of United Way of Paulding County and fellow Kiwanis member introduced Miah Coil and Jocelyn Camposano as the guest speakers. Both being seniors at Paulding High School and members of National Honor’s Society, the students talked about Blessings in a Bag. Blessings in a Bag, started by PHS student Kelsi Manz, supplies children with food to eat over the weekend when they are not provided school lunches during the week. The program services about 70-75 elementary school children bi-weekly. The NHS students said that the program is meant to provide a nutritious meal to students every weekend, but they have had to cut back to every other weekend because their funds for food are running low. They work with Campbell’s soup and Chief supermarkets who provide food donations but are looking for more community support. The cause was very near and dear to the students’ heart and is a fantastic way for them to help others as well as obtain community service hours for NHS. Kiwanis members enjoyed their presentation and were eager to help the cause. We appreeciate the NHS students for their dedication, hard work, and passion for helping others and look forward to seeing their leadership abilities in the future. As always Kiwanis members will meet next Thursday, March 15th at noon.