Bookmobile Manager, Kathy Heffley, presents a storytime to young patrons on the Bookmobile.
The Paulding County Carnegie Library (PCCL) Bookmobile will be celebrating National Bookmobile Day at all stops on Tuesday, April 10th and on Wednesday, April 11th. National Bookmobile Day is a nationwide celebration of mobile libraries held on the Wednesday of National Library Week. The theme for this special celebration on the county Bookmobile will be “Join Us for the Bookworm Party”. Games, snacks and a drawing for prizes will be highlights of these days.
The Bookmobile has been serving the unreached population of Paulding County for seven years. Traveling over 400 square miles in a week’s time, our mobile library brings library materials, storytimes, and fun events to families who may not be able to travel to a brick and mortar library location.
In 2017, over 4,800 patrons borrowed more than 37,000 items from the Bookmobile. Over 400 adults attended 90 programs and over 1,800 children attended 280 programs. The PCCL has utilized bookmobiles (contracted through the State Library of Ohio) in the 1960s through the early 1990s to bring library service to Paulding County. For more information contact Susan Pieper at 419-399-2032.