PCHF award Healthcare scholarships

Receiving scholarships: L to R: Rachel Williamson, Antwerp High School; Abigail English, Paulding High School; Sara Sinn, Wayne Trace High School; The Honorable Tiffany Beckman, Scholarship Committee Chair

The Paulding County Hospital Foundation is proud to award $1,000 Healthcare Scholarships to each of these three outstanding high school seniors, who will be attending college in the fall to pursue a career in the medical/healthcare field. The Scholarships were presented to the students at the Hospital Foundation’s Annual Member Banquet on April 23rd. The event was held at the Paulding Eagles banquet room, and included recognition of Lifetime and current members, as well as recognizing the Foundation’s fund-raising efforts to benefit the Women’s Imaging Center and mammography upgrades at the Paulding County Hospital. The group also celebrated Paulding County Hospital’s new Antwerp Regional Health Center, which opened on March 22nd.