Pictured here is Antwerp Community Band President, Larry Culler, being presented his 20 year member certificate by conductor, Steve Hahn.
The Antwerp School Auditorium erupted with melodious sounds of the Antwerp Community Band on Thursday, May 24 as they conducted their annual Sprint Concert. The evening was extra special because the band honored and recognized a 20 year member, Antwerp Community Band President, Larry Culler who plays the trumpet.
The band’s line up was classic with arrangements including The London Symphony, Pageant Op.59, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, Little English Girl, Fortress, A Little Prayer, The Genius of Ray Charles, and Olympia Hippodrome.
The Antwerp Community Band is conducted by Steven Hahn. There are 23 members one of which is a high school freshman, Aaron Hawley playing the tuba. Playing the flute are Don Leckrone, Gaye Cash, Andrea Newell, and Marlene Sparks; playing trumpet are Jim Arend, Larry Culler, Ed Kos, Bruce Montgomery, and Kaleb O’Donnell; playing clarinet – Marie Dick, Nancy Gossett, Mickell Ihnen, and Susan Nash; On french horn – Cheryle Culler and Linda Kos; playing contra alto is Kathy Gormely; trombone – Marilyn Zuber and Max Zuber; alto saxophone – Damon Newell and Jack Schmidt; euphonium – Sharon Colley; and bari saxophone – John Morse.
The Band wanted to recognize the school for their generosity in using the building for their concerts, and to Mrs. Newell, the High School Band director for her help and support of the Community Band’s endeavors. Other patrons that support the Antwerp Community Band are the following: Ohio Gas Company, Doris J. Smith, Ed & Linda Kos, Petals & Vines, Dooley Funeral Home, Don & Rebekah Smith, Antwerp Gold Star Auxiliary #5087, Don & Jeanine Leckrone, VFW Post 5087, Robert Ramos, DDS, Tony & Kay Langham, Floyd A. Ramsier, Attny., Paragon Tempered Glass, Laurel Hopkins – in memory of Wilma (Deanie) Donat, Sarah J. Mowery, DDS, Antwerp Exchange Bank, and any other patrons who give donations at the concerts.