Dear Friends,

South Scipio UB Church would like to invite you to Praise in the Park. Each of the fourth Sundays during the summer at 6:30 PM:

June 24 – Harlan Park Pavilion 

July 22 – Antwerp Park Pavilion

August 26 – Hicksville Park Pavilion

This is a plan to bring the community and churches together with some worship music and testimonies. We will start at 6:30 PM with fellowship and everyone bringing their own picnic and then at 7:00 pm the worship music will begin. Mixed in will be stories/testimonies from those in the community where God is working in their lives. If you have a story you would like to share please contact Pastor Brad at 417-296-5850. So pack a picnic and your lawn chairs and come join us for an evening of PRAISE!

Pastors, would you please share this information? Feel free to make copies, hang this on your information board, or share from the pulpit. Whatever works best to help us get the word out. In addition to the worship music, instead of a message, we are going to have individuals share their “story”/testimony on how God is working in their lives or a moment when they saw God working. If you know or have someone in your church that would have a story to share, we would love for them to be a part of this event.

I do hope you will join us so that I will also have an opportunity to meet you.

Blessed to Serve,

Brad North, Senior Pastor, South Scipio Church