Smoke shed behind Deloris’ home in Paulding, OH.
As we each go through our busy and hectic lives, time passes by and we lose opportunities that are right in front of us. We get so caught up with work, paying bills, taking the kids to ball games, helping friends, volunteering… etc. that we forget to slow down, relax and enjoy what’s around us. God has created so many beautiful things around us… the wildlife, the trees, the water, the flowers. Take time to see the beauty that is free of charge and right in front of you.
For one local resident, she doesn’t need to go far to enjoy. All Deloris Whirrett has to do is step into her own yard. She has it landscaped wonderfully and it is absolutely breath-taking, and she does it all on her own. She is particularly proud of the smoke shed in her back yard that is surrounded by beautiful larkspurs. There’s a little bit of history behind the shed and flowers. The smoke shed belonged to her husband’s great-grandfather and the flowers came from seeds that her mother had. Now, Deloris states she would try to plant these flowers in the past and she could never get them to grow. Her mother passed away in 1987 and she said those flowers have been coming up every year beautifully, ever since.
Never take for granted what you have around you, you never know what you might miss if you do. So, take time to see the beauty around you.