Pictured is Leisa Hettesheimer and Cindy Langenkamp
This week at Kiwanis member Erika Wilitzer introduced Leisa Hettesheimer and Cindy Langenkamp with Vancrest of Payne. The 25 bed skilled nursing unit is complete and has accepted 7 residents thus far. More residents are set to move off the waiting list and into their new home once the facility is verified by Medicare and Medicaid. All 37 assisted living units are waivered meaning someone cannot be moved out of their residence and into skilled nursing because they cannot pay. Vancrest is one of the few nursing facilities to do that for their residents. Vancrest of Payne does not have a behavior unit but does treat residents with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Vancrest has 13 facilities and the Payne facility alone has employed 30 people. “Folks can work in the community they live in,” says Langenkamp. Vancrest as a business and organization is not interested in moving to large communities but find that they best do business and build relationships in smaller rural communities.