Antwerp HS Marching Band
Nostalgia is the word that comes to mind when thinking about small town America. Antwerp Riverside Veterans Memorial Park was the place to be on August 11th to experience a taste of the best of nostalgic small town living. Everyone was a friend this past Saturday — no strangers were in the park.
The morning began with a phenomenal parade orchestrated by Audrey Feasby and crew. Floats and vehicles cruised through town with a wide variety of the businesses and organizations of Antwerp. Loads of candy rained down on the multitudes of children positioned on the roadways along Canal St., Main St., and E. River St.
After the opening ceremonies of the National Anthem sung by Janelle North and a flag burning provided by the VFW and Boy Scouts, Barry DeLong serenaded crowd with a folk tune that very appropriately fit the day. Pudge Kennedy was honored and his modest humility was revered and an inspiration to the attendees.
The row of crafters and vendors were in vast arraywith some very interesting collections. A balloon man moved around the park, making balloon animals for the children – and adults! Mark’s Ark entertained many who passed by with petting and holding the lizard, alligator, snake, chicken and rabbit that were lounging in the shade of the mighty oaks.
It’s not officially a fair unless there is some food! The Archer Burger was the hot commodity as well as the BBQ Brisket sandwich, curly fries, corn dog, brats, ice cream, apple dumplings, snow cones, walking tacos and free samples of mocha frappes. If you left the park hungry on Saturday — it was your own fault.
The Kids Area seriously was the happening place to be on Saturday! Boy Scouts twisted up groups of kids on their wooden swing, and then sent the kids down the way to the cheerleaders who were pampering whoever came their way with fancy hair dos and braids, and nail art and polish. Kids were trying all day for a hole in one at the putting green, then they sauntered over to try their luck with matching ducks in the duck pond. If they were really tough, they battled with the wind of their lungs to push a boat down the “river”. The Mowery’s face art was superb – superheroes, unicorns, cats, tigers and leopards with their amazing face painting skills.
The Bounce Houses that Community Memorial Hospital sponsored was full of kids from 11:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. with lines before start and after quitting time. The physical activity quota was definitely met for the day with these bouncy houses in place.
The Chamber of Commerce of Antwerp has been striving to bring unity and a sense of pride in their small town by promoting the local businesses with events such as Day in the Park.