Antwerp’s Chloe Franklin dives to save the ball for the Archers. More pictures at westbendnews.net
FAYETTE – Chloe Franklin posted 23 assists and six digs while Kaitlyn Hamman added nine digs and four kills to lead the Antwerp Lady Archers to a 25-14, 25-14 and 25-9 win over Fayette Monday night.
Alyssa Fuller added two assists and seven digs while Madison Boesch chipped in three assists and four kills for the Lady Archers. Lydia Brewer also recorded three assists, three kills and an ace with Karsyn Brumett contributing five digs and six aces.
Kendall Billman chipped in three digs and an ace while Astianna Coppes and Heather Oberlin both recorded a pair of blocks. Coppes also had seven kills while Oberlin recorded five and Alayna Ryan picked up one kill.
The Archer junior varsity also was victorious, defeating the Eagles by scores of 25-10 and 25-17.
Antwerp (7-5) Stats:
Chloe Franklin – 23 assists, 6 digs, 10-10 serving, 1 ace
Alyssa Fuller – 2 assists, 7 digs
Madison Boesch – 3 assists, 4 kills
Lydia Brewer – 3 assists, 3 kills, 2-2 serving, 1 ace
Karsyn Brumett – 5 digs, 13-15 serving, 6 aces
Kaitlyn Hamman – 9 digs, 4 kills, 12-12 serving
Kendall Billman – 3 digs, 15-15 serving, 1 ace
Astianna Coppes – 2 blocks, 7 kills
Heather Oberlin – 2 blocks, 5 kills
Alayna Ryan – 1 kill