Pictured left to right: Vision Board Members Jim States, John Daeger, Dave Burtch, Lisa McClure, and Aaron Timm.
Paulding County Vision Board Members recently collaborated with several Paulding County entities to install two “Welcome to Paulding County” signs at each end of Fairground Drive. The signs were installed a few days prior to the Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival to welcome the thousands of visitors who attend the festival. The ultimate goal is to continue welcoming all those who attend events at the fairgrounds.
The Vision Board is comprised of representatives from the county, villages, and townships with the goal to collaborate, plan strategically, and secure funding for county-wide projects. The Vision Board just recently completed a Comprehensive Community Development Plan, where they will track the successes of the projects listed in the plan. They want to continue to do smaller projects when opportunities arise like the sign project on Fairground Road.
A huge thank-you to the Paulding County Area Foundation, Paulding County Engineering Office, and to Dangler Excavating for making this project possible.
To learn more about the Paulding County Vision Board, visit www.PauldingCountyVisionBoard.com