Kiwanis talks youth health assessment

Kiwanis member Corey Walker introduced guest speaker Bill Edwards with the Paulding County Health Department. Edwards discussed the Community Health Assessment and urged everyone to check out the staggering results on their website at The assessment really talked a lot about mental health, addiction, alcohol use, obesity, unprotected sex, and much more. The survey was anonymous and was taken by middle school through high school children. “It opened my eyes,” says Edwards. The assessment was made possible by a grant the health department received from the Ohio Department of Health. In Paulding County, the results showed a large number of kids suffering with depression. Superintendent of Paulding Exempted Village Schools and Kiwanis member Ken Amstutz stressed the importance of mental health and said, “It is not a quick or easy fix.” Amstutz shared that Paulding Schools are focusing more on mental health and mental illnesses. 

The assessment was eye opening to the number of children who have already tried or been exposed to illegal drugs, or abused prescription drugs. Kiwanis members discussed the possible reasoning and the conversation led to family dynamics, and how it plays such a crucial role in a child’s life. To find out more or see the statics for yourself visit Kiwanis, focused on helping the children of our community appreciates the hard work and dedicated time of all those involved in developing and analyzing the assessment so that we can all better understand, and help the children of our community.