Pictured is a participant and volunteer, from a previous “Step Into Your Future” event, using power tools to build a step stool in the Carpentry program.
If you know a 7th or 8th grade girl who lives in one of the thirteen Vantage homeschool districts, show them this article!
Vantage Career Center is hosting a really cool, hands-on adventure for girls in the 7th and 8th grade on Saturday, January 26, 2019 from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. Spend the morning learning new skills and exploring some non-traditional careers.
Participants will learn how to weld together pieces of metal to make a small, personalized name plate in the Welding lab. Use a tape measure, drill, hammer, and nails in the Carpentry lab to build a personalized stepstool. Check out the latest drone and GPS technology in the Ag lab. Be one of the lucky ones to try the newest technology apps, 3D virtual reality, and motion capture in the Network Systems lab. A snack, lunch, and a T-shirt are provided AND you get to take home everything you create! Best of all, it’s FREE!
To register, go to the Vantage website – www.vantagecareercenter.com – and click on the “Step Into Your Future” registration link, or you can email your information to klinger.a@vantagecareercenter.com.
HURRY – space is limited to the first 40 students who register by January 10, 2019. Please call 419-238-5411 ext. 2169 if you have any questions.