Kiwanis members would like to express their deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to the family of long time Kiwanis member Jim (James) Durre. Just last week Jim shook hands and socialized with fellow Kiwanians, and in fact was the big ticket winner that day! The big ticket winner then chooses the general fine for the next meeting. In memory of Jim the general fine was for anyone who is not a veteran in honor of Jim’s time served in the military. Jim once served as Kiwanis president and was always a great leader that brought such joy and great conversation to the group. He will be missed dearly.
Kiwanis member Richard Kipp introduced guest Nate Taylor, the new director of Children’s Lantern. New to the position Taylor says the organization has really impacted him greatly. Children’s Lantern focuses on helping helpless children and their mission is to empower and support through education, mentoring, resource and financial giving in the areas of human trafficking, adoption, foster care and missions.
Broken into three types of care, family care, survivor care, and community care, Taylor said he has been impacted most by survivor care. This type of care supports human trafficking survivors. Not really being exposed to the reality of human trafficking before it is hard for anyone to wrap their brain around the subject. Taylor says in this area human trafficking isn’t really like you see in the movies. It’s not some grand kidnapping with a fight scene to follow, predators prey on those who have disabilities, or people who have an addiction. In fact, Taylor said a lot of times addiction plays a huge role in human trafficking. Predators will either find someone addicted to drugs or get them addicted to drugs and then use that as leverage for getting them to do what they want. Don’t obey, and don’t get your fix. When understanding drug addiction, withdraws are often torturous, leaving the trafficked trapped.
Children’s Lantern relies on private donations and applies for some grants to help them serve the communities in need. One of their outreach projects is approaching soon. Volunteers will deliver 300 Christmas meals to families in need, and due to donations, they can make that possible. Another event held by the organization is their Freedom Gala which is an art auction among other things.
Kiwanis and Children’s Lantern both care for the children of our community and Kiwanis would like to thank Nate and the organization for their outreach and resources. Kiwanis members will meet next Thursday over lunch.