America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education presents Wayne Trace $10,000 grant!

Reid Stoller, on behalf of the America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education program, was in attendance at Wayne Trace High School during half-time of the Saturday night, December 22 basketball game. Also in attendance was Wayne Trace administration, teachers, and students, as well as some of the farmers that nominated Wayne Trace to receive the grant.

Wayne Trace JH/HS is being awarded a $10,000 grant through America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, a program that helps farmers support their local rural public school districts. Since 2011, this Monsanto Fund program has given over $16 million to rural school districts to enhance math and science education.

The following farmers, or their representatives, nominated Wayne Trace Local Schools for this grant: Eric Homier, Bill G Homier, Gary Benschneider, Jane Benschneider,  Alvin Klopfenstein, Deborah Klopfenstein, Roy Klopfenstein, Dwain Laukhuf, Judy Eddy, Todd Sinn, Jodie Schmidt, Jannette Cook, Jay Schmidt, and Amy Rosswurm. 

It was appreciated of the farmer nominations and an excellent application, Wayne Trace Local Schools will be able to use this grant to begin a Virtual Reality in Science Program at the JH/HS. Virtual Reality in Science is designed to provide Virtual Reality equipment for students and teachers in grades 7-8-9 at Wayne Trace Junior High/High School. The purpose of the project is to increase student achievement in science and deepening their understanding of science concepts. By implementing this project with two science teachers, this emerging technology can be integrated into classroom activities on a small scale and then be expanded to include other grade levels and subjects. Connections to local and online resources and experts will provide presentations for students and teachers to help them understand the daily applications of science concepts particularly in the local businesses of agriculture, wind-farms and manufacturing.

What an outstanding accomplishment for one of our best schools!