Stan’s Ramblings

Jack Daniels Fishing Story

I went fishing this morning, but after a short time I ran out of worms.

Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth.

Frogs are good bass bait.

Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in its mouth, I grabbed right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.

Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. Its eyes rolled back, and it went limp.

I released the snake into the lake without incident and carried on fishing, using the frog.

Not long after, I felt a nudge on my foot. It was that damn snake…with two more frogs.

Life is good.


By: Stan Jordan

We received a letter at The West Bend News, asking where I obtain my information about the WWII veterans. Well, from a couple different sources: from people stopping in and talking to me and telling me, phone calls from people and funeral home pages.

I don’t know how I missed it, but the name of Glen R. Klingler is missing from the list of Paulding County WWII veterans.

I have put his name in with the navy veterans, as he was on a sub chaser. As near as I know, that makes 17 boys.

Thank you so much for setting  me straight.

See ya!

The Government Shut Down

By: Stan Jordan

I am very much against this shut down crap, because nothing is gained. With all the turmoil, unrest and shouting matches, nothing is gained. We still have the same actors in this drama. A spoiled boy and a woman who wants to get even, and I sure don’t know who is right.  

But shutting down the whole operation is wrong, wrong, wrong. 800,000 little people who make the USA tick each day, as those once who are hurt. All of them will work without pay, for a while that is ok, but after you miss a couple of paychecks, the sky falls down. Every body wants the money at once. The car payment loan payments, rent, heat, lights, water…they all want their money and rightfully so. That is what makes our county the best one in the world. 

Let your ego go and put the nation back to work.

See ya! 

College Football

By: Stan Jordan

Well, college football or the NCAA for the season is over.   There was easily over one thousand games and it boiled down to when Alabama was ranked #1 in the nation and Clemson was #2 and Clemson won the national title for the year of 2018 by beating Alabama in the playoff.

There are quite a few conferences in both levels of college football. What I call the bigger schools, we have the Atlantic Coast Conference, Southeastern Conference, Big Twelve Conference, Big Ten Conference, Pacific Coast Conference. There are a lot of conferences in the next level of football and the same way in prep. and junior colleges. Football is a big business and many other ways.

Some folks don’t like the game in some ways or another, but it is a way for some boys who have been given a specific talent to further himself and to be seen by talent scouts and to earn a position in the sport he loves and is good at his job.

I think all schools stress the education over the sport, there are many rules and regulations concerning that.

It is a dangerous sport, a number have been hurt badly while playing the game. But then sometimes a boy can get a scholarship and get an education while playing football or maybe another sport where otherwise he didn’t have the funds.

There are many arguments for and against football and some of the rules are broken, but it is a big business.

Your school can get millions of dollars if you can win a big bowl game, such as the Cotton Bowl. 

See ya!

My Thinking Is

By: Stan Jordan

Last October a young man, 21 years of age, broke the front door down and broke into a house and killed the mother and father and kidnapped the young high school girl. This was in Wisconsin.

Well for weeks, volunteers searched the area and the girl’s body was not found anywhere, but people kept searching.

Then just last week this young girl escaped and found help from some older lady out walking her dog. The girl was alive and in pretty good health. She was 70 miles from her home.

Now the police have this fellow in jail and trying to figure out why he did what he did. Anyhow, this, to me, is a straight deal and reason to kill this young fellow. He has shown that he is not safe to be out in society. So in light of that, I am going to give my idea of his future.

This is my idea of a perfect time to kill the bad guy, yet today. The idea of letting the perpetrator live when you know absolutely he did murder these two people and kidnapped the young lady, is ridiculous. 

He is a bad choice for a second chance. No way. I’m against letting him live for 10-20 years at tax payers expense. 

Now that is my idea and civil right. What do you think? 

This man had watched this girl for days and he had planned his actions very well. 

See ya!